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Carbon Pro is a revolutionary waterproof spray that uses carbon technology and is resistant to bending surfaces.-Carbon pro
Carbon Pro is a revolutionary waterproof spray that uses carbon technology and is resistant to bending surfaces.-S Isaacs Shokai Co., Ltd.

Carbon Pro is a revolutionary waterproof spray that uses carbon technology and is resistant to bending surfaces.
S Isaacs Shokai Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

A powerful waterproof spray with long-lasting effects that can be used on all kinds of materials and products. Just by spraying, it forms a carbon fiber-like mesh-like protective film on the surface of the object. The protective film has wear resistance and elasticity. It has a long-lasting waterproof effect, and it also shows the same high waterproof effect as flat surfaces, even on wrinkled areas such as clothing and shoes. The protective film is breathable and has a structure that prevents water and dirt from passing through from the outside, so it can be used for a wide range of products, including smooth leather, suede, and other leather products, as well as clothing made from fabrics and high-tech materials.



■How to use

・Remove dust and dirt from the surface of the target material/product with a cloth or brush. - Shake the container well, hold the nozzle horizontally, hold it about 20cm away, and spray until the surface is lightly moistened. ・After drying the smooth leather, wipe it dry with a polishing cloth. - Brush brushed leather and textiles with a horsehair brush after drying. -After spraying, it will dry in about 20 to 30 minutes.Do not touch it until it is completely dry. ・Can also be used on tanned leather. ・If you spray concentratedly on the same area, the liquid may drip and cause stains on the leather. Please spray while moving the can.

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    Carbon Pro is a revolutionary waterproof spray that uses carbon technology and is resistant to bending surfaces.

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1 Models of Carbon Pro is a revolutionary waterproof spray that uses carbon technology and is resistant to bending surfaces.

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Component Target products Target material Capacity Country of origin Specification Size
Carbon Pro is a revolutionary waterproof spray that uses carbon technology and is resistant to bending surfaces.-Part Number-Carbon pro

Carbon pro

Available upon quote

Fluorocarbon resin, acrylic resin

Shoes, bags, clothing, sports/outdoor goods in general

Smooth leather, brushed leather (suede, nubuck, velor), synthetic leather, textile, waterproof and breathable material



Spray can

23.5cm (H) ×5.3cm (W *Diameter)

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