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Autonomous underwater glider Slocum G3 Glider-Slocum G3
Autonomous underwater glider Slocum G3 Glider-Hydro System Development Co., Ltd.

Autonomous underwater glider Slocum G3 Glider
Hydro System Development Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

The Slocum G3 uses a buoyancy control mechanism using an oil bladder and a battery that moves the center of gravity (back and forth) to enable autonomous navigation that allows profile measurement over long distances and long periods of time while repeatedly surfacing and gliding underwater. It is a type observation machine. Loading and retrieval can be easily carried out by a small vessel and a small number of people (1 to 2 people). Slocum is equipped with satellite communications so that it can receive mission updates (measurement changes, waypoint changes, etc.) via the web-based pilot software when it ascends to the surface at any time. You can also send the data you obtained during your dive. By adopting a modular system, users can rearrange and use over 40 types of sensors and optional mechanisms to suit their purposes.

■Sensor options

・Ultrasonic multilayer flow countercurrent meter (ADCP) ・Acoustic modem ・Acoustic mammal detection device - Luminous extinction coefficient meter (BAM) ・CTD sensor ・ Echo sounder ・Fish tag detection device ・Hydrophone ・Nitrate sensor ・Optical backscatter sensor ・Optical attenuation sensor ・Fluorometer ・Dissolved oxygen meter option ・PAR sensor ・Radiometer ・Spectrophotometer for harmful algae ・Turbulence meter ・Other custom solutions available

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    Autonomous underwater glider Slocum G3 Glider

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1 Models of Autonomous underwater glider Slocum G3 Glider

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Power supply Weight Operation Communication Travel distance Water depth Horizontal speed Lifespan Main hull dimensions Navigation
Autonomous underwater glider Slocum G3 Glider-Part Number-Slocum G3

Slocum G3

Available upon quote

Alkaline battery / Rechargeable lithium ion battery / Lithium battery

55kg~70kg *Depends on sensor configuration etc.

Can be loaded and collected by 1 to 2 people. LARS (loading/retrieving device) options

RF modem, Iridium (RUDICS), Argos, acoustic modem

350km~1,200km / 700km~3,000km / 3,000km~1,300km

4m~150m or 40m~1,000m *Depends on modular buoyancy engine

・Buoyancy engine: average 0.35m/s, maximum .5m/s
・Thruster: max. 1m/s

15 days to 50 days / 1 month to 4 months / 4 months to 18 months

L 150cm × φ22cm *Excluding wing (approx. 50cm)

GPS, pressure sensor, altimeter, autonomous navigation function

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