This product is registered by Opttech Co., Ltd..
About This Product
When it comes to polarizers, Carl Lambert is a long-established manufacturer that provides various polarizers using the refractive materials such as calcite, MgF2, and mica, as well as Glan Taylor, Glan Laser, Glan Thompson, and Wollaston. We manufacture not only various polarizers but also various wavelength plates, and have extensive experience in polarizing elements.
Products handled
■Calcite (calcite) polarizer
Glan Taylor, Glan Laser, Glan Thomson, UV Glan Thomson, Brewster Polarizer, Glan Thompson Beam Splitter, Glan Laser Beam Splitter, Rochon Polarizer, Wollaston Polarizer, Beam Displacer
■MgF2 polarizer
lotion polarizer
■Crystal Quartz Polarizer
Wollaston/Rochon Polarizer,
■Retardation element
Crystal wave plate (0th order, higher order), MgF2 wave plate, achromatic wave plate, mica wave plate, Fresnel ROM, Babinet Soleil compensator, rotator
■Depolarizing plate (linear polarization → random polarization)
Calcite, quartz, MgF2
■Dielectric multilayer film
Narrowband Polarizing Beamsplitter Cube, Broadband Polarizing Beamsplitter Cube, Isolator/Displacer, AR Coating
*Other model numbers are available.
polarizing element
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