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You can quickly take notes. CubeNote, a memo management software that doesn't make you aware of files-CubeNote
You can quickly take notes. CubeNote, a memo management software that doesn't make you aware of files-Cube Soft Co., Ltd.

You can quickly take notes. CubeNote, a memo management software that doesn't make you aware of files
Cube Soft Co., Ltd.

About This Product

I would like to write down a small memo. This is a common task. However, even though it was just that, it turned out to be a surprisingly troublesome and wasteful labor-intensive task. For example, the application you are using is heavy, there are many unused functions that are complicated and difficult to understand, you don't know where you saved the file, it's a pain to think of a file name each time, and you find yourself with a file that looks like "New Text.txt". in large quantities, etc. But with CubeNote, everything is solved. You can take notes comfortably without wasted effort.


・No need to manage files ・Management by tags ・Search/replace function - Abundant customization ・Available for free

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    You can quickly take notes. CubeNote, a memo management software that doesn't make you aware of files

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1 Models of You can quickly take notes. CubeNote, a memo management software that doesn't make you aware of files

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You can quickly take notes. CubeNote, a memo management software that doesn't make you aware of files-Part Number-CubeNote


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