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Digital full color multifunction device BP-C533WD-BP-C533WD
Digital full color multifunction device BP-C533WD-Nagano Sigma Co., Ltd.

Digital full color multifunction device BP-C533WD
Nagano Sigma Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■Let's connect smarter.

As work styles become more and more diverse, what we think multifunction devices should be like. Our aim is to connect people and devices with each person working in the office, regardless of location or time, through advanced functionality and sophisticated design. Accelerating collaboration and realizing smart working will lead to the future of business. Advanced technology has made multifunction devices even more friendly. This is a new proposal from Sharp. Pursuing simple and comfortable operability

■7-inch full flat panel adopted

7-inch full flat panel for comfortable operation. Supports a variety of functions with simple and easy-to-understand icons. Customizability of the home screen has also been improved. Pursuing safe operability

■Antibacterial/antiviral film

The operation panel uses our proprietary photocatalyst technology and a film that has antibacterial and antiviral effects by combining antibacterial agents, making it more comfortable to use even when used by a large number of people. Touchless operation

■Remote operation app

Configure basic copy, scan, and fax operations on your mobile device. By reading the QR code displayed on the operation panel, you can perform touchless operations on the panel. Protect multifunction devices and connected devices

■Virus detection kit (optional)

Equipped with a virus detection function using Bitdefender's scan engine. It protects offices from the diversifying attacks on multifunction devices using viruses and malware, as well as from the spread of viruses to devices connected to multifunction devices using the NAS function as a springboard. Peace of mind with strong security

■BIOS/firmware security enhancement

Verify that there is no abnormality in the BIOS at startup. If an abnormality is detected, startup will be canceled. Additionally, the BIOS protects your system by validating your firmware. Detect and repair any abnormality

■Firmware repair function

Even in the unlikely event that there is an abnormality in the firmware, the firmware repair function reduces security risks. Always have the latest features available

■Online firmware update

Easily update to the latest firmware online. Always keep your machine updated.

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    Digital full color multifunction device BP-C533WD

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1 Models of Digital full color multifunction device BP-C533WD

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Reading speed (color/monochrome/A4 vertical) Print speed (color/monochrome/A4 vertical) Copy speed (color/monochrome/A4 vertical)
Digital full color multifunction device BP-C533WD-Part Number-BP-C533WD


$ 9,100.00〜

Double-sided 130 pages/min

33 sheets/min

33 sheets/min

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