Fully automatic impulse seal bag feeding packaging machine + auger powder filling machine Connect Fci-300-OPL (K) +SFM-05Handling Company
Fuji System Co., Ltd.Categories
Product Image | Part Number | Price (excluding tax) | Air amount | Auger filling machine capacity | Auger filling machine filling | Auger filling machine filling method | Auger filling machine options | Auger filling machine power requirements | Auger filling machine target weight | Auger filling machine weight | Bag form | Number of cassettes filled | Packaging machine capacity | Packaging machine filling | Packaging machine machine dimensions | Packaging machine options | Packaging machine target weight | Packaging machine weight | Packaging material | Packaging material dimensions | Power required | Seal length | Seal method | Seal width |
Fci-300-OPL (K) +SFM-05 |
Available upon quote | 100L/min (equivalent to 1.5kw compressor) | 1~10 bags/min...When the filling machine is operating alone | Powder/granules/granules | Pulse amplifier filling method (can be used in combination) | Deaeration equipment Gas filling equipment | Three-phase AC200V 1.5kw | Within 1,200g | 150kg | Three-sided bag, tube bag, gassho bag, standing bag (with/without zipper), etc. | 100~200 pieces | 1~10 bags/min...When the packaging machine is operating alone | Powder, granule, granule, solid, liquid, etc. | Width 1,005mm x depth 1,035mm x height 800mm | Date printing device, discharge conveyor, various supply devices, deaerator, gas filling device | Within 1,200g | 250kg | Single polyethylene, aluminum foil, various laminates, etc. |
Width 110~300mm Length 150~300mm |
AC100V 1.5kw | 300mm | Impulse method (heating temperature control method or time control method) | 10mm |