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Data analysis software DAS-200AHandling Company
Image | Part Number | Price (excluding tax) | Analysis Frequency analysis | Analysis Statistical calculation | Analysis Differentiation/Integration | Analysis Life prediction processing | Analysis Four arithmetic operations | Analysis Arithmetic functions that can be input | Analysis Operators and constants that can be input | Analysis Filtering | Analysis FFT analysis | Memory | Data playback Numerical data display | Data playback Playback operation | Data playback All data display | Data playback Data file editing | Data playback Dual sampling data | Data playback Static measurement file | Data playback scroll | Data playback Graph display | Data playback Cursor display | Data playback Y-Time graph | Data playback X-Y graph | Data playback MAX/MIN data display | Data playback KS2 file | Data playback GPS data file | Data playback ECAN file | Data playback CTRS-CAN file | Data playback AVI file | Display | OS | CPU |
DAS-200A |
Available upon quote |
Kinds: |
Displays a list of maximum value, minimum value, average value, and standard deviation of any data range |
Differentiation/integration count: 0: none, 1~2 |
Life expectancy can be predicted from the frequency analysis results obtained using the 1D rainflow method, 2D rainflow method, and amplitude method, and the results can be displayed and saved in a file. |
Can perform calculations on channels in up to two data files and save the calculation results to a new data file |
SQR square root function |
Addition: +, Subtraction: -, Multiplication: *, Division: /, Power: ^, Pi: PI, Parentheses: () |
Digital filter: IIR filter |
Analysis types: linear spectrum, power spectrum, cross spectrum, autocorrelation, crosscorrelation, coherence, transfer function |
If the OS is 32 bits, 2GB or more |
Displays a list of numerical data for any 16 channels |
Playback, reverse playback, continuous playback, frame-by-frame forwarding, reverse frame-by-frame forwarding, move to playback start position/playback end position, set playback start position/playback end position, playback speed (0.1 to 20x speed) |
All data can be displayed in units of 4 channels |
Extract arbitrary data ranges and channels from data files. File conversion possible |
KS2 file acquired with dual sampling |
CSV format files acquired using static measurement can be played back. |
Scrollable X-axis in Y-Time graph |
4 patterns of display conditions can be set |
Numerical display at cursor position |
Up to 16 channels in one graph |
1 graph fixed |
Local maximum and minimum values for each channel can be displayed (up to 5) |
Block number support (1 block display, all block display) |
Latitude and longitude data can be displayed on the trajectory |
Can reproduce CAN data of ECAN-40A/EGPC-40A |
CTRS-100A CAN data can be played back |
Playback frame rate setting, playback start frame number (time) setting |
Resolution 1,024 × 768 or higher |
Windows ®8.1, Windows ®10, Windows® 11 |
Intel Core i5 2GHz equivalent or higher |
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