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On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-VATONFX Sealer
On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Otani Paint Co., Ltd.

On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System
Otani Paint Co., Ltd.

About This Product


Environmentally friendly wood painting for schools where children live for long hours, hotels and stores where many people gather. Features

■For urgent painting

It takes one day from coloring to drying the top coat.


- Contains no toluene, xylene, or formaldehyde, which are associated with sick house syndrome. ・The coating film is safe and complies with the Food Sanitation Law and standards for foods, additives, etc. *The above standards alone cannot be used for food utensils and containers and packaging (points that come into direct contact with food).

■Easy workability

Even large areas such as walls can be finished beautifully without uneven coating or brushing. It is extremely easy to apply.

■Be strong

It has excellent weather resistance (fading and discoloration) and a strong coating film.

■Color variations

・#501 Transparent ・♯503 Natural brown ・♯505 Gray ・#507 Pine ・♯509 Dark brown ・♯511 Medium brown ・♯513 Light oak ・♯515 Red Oak ・♯517 Oak ・♯519 Walnut ・♯521 Iron Red ・♯523 White ・♯525 Black ・♯527 Green ・♯529 Blue ・♯531 Yellow ・♯533 Shine Red ・♯535 Shine Yellow ・♯537 Peach ・♯539 Honey Yellow ・♯541 Denim blue *Color may vary depending on material type. *Transparent, Shine Red, Shine Yellow, Peach, Honey Yellow, and Denim Blue are for interior use.

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    On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System

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Last viewed: 18 hours ago

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7 Models of On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Packing style OSV/OSUC Coating condition 23℃ Coating amount OSV/OSUC Painting conditions 23℃ Number of times OSV/OSUC Painting conditions 23℃ Drying time OSV/OSUC painting method UC painting condition 23℃ coating amount UC painting method UC painting conditions 23℃ drying time OSCL Painting condition 23℃ Coating amount OSCL Painting conditions 23℃ Number of times OSCL Painting conditions 23℃ Drying time OSCL painting method
On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Part Number-VATONFX Sealer


Available upon quote




2 hours

Brush painting

- - -



2 hours

Brush painting

On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Part Number-VATONFX Top Clear Glossy

VATONFX Top Clear Glossy

Available upon quote





Brush painting

0.05kg/m2 (public specification)

Brush painting

8 hours or more (undercoat)

- - - -
On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Part Number-VATONFX flat semi-matte

VATONFX flat semi-matte

Available upon quote





Brush painting

0.05kg/m2 (public specification)

Brush painting

- - - - -
On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Part Number-VATONFX flat fully matte

VATONFX flat fully matte

Available upon quote





Brush painting

0.05kg/m2 (public specification)

Brush painting

- - - - -
On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Part Number-VATONFX floor glossy

VATONFX floor glossy

Available upon quote




16 hours or more (undercoat/intermediate coat)
3 days (top coat)

Brush/wool mop

- - - - - - -
On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Part Number-VATONFX floor semi-matte

VATONFX floor semi-matte

Available upon quote




3 days

Brush/wool mop

- - - - - - -
On-site painting products Applying paint film (interior) VATONFX & System-Part Number-VATONFX floor fully matte

VATONFX floor fully matte

Available upon quote




3 days

Brush/wool mop

- - - - - - -

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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