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Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325-AD-5325SET
Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325-AD-5325
Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325-A and Day Co., Ltd.

Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325
A and Day Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Drip-proof structure that is resistant to water and equivalent to IP54.


・Data logger that can easily record and analyze temperature ・For temperature history management of work environments, storage environments, etc. ・Measurement temperature range -40℃ to +70℃ ・Measurement time interval can be freely set from 1 second to 12 hours -There are models with 4,000 data memory and 8,000 data memory. - Any number of data loggers can be added. -Batteries are commercially available. (Lithium battery CR2 type) ・You can display graphs and data on your computer and save them as text files. -AD-5324 (AD-5325) is for expansion (expansion) and does not come with a dedicated communication set. If you are using it for the first time, please purchase AD-5324SET (AD-5325SET). -If a PC communication cable is required separately, please purchase AX-KO4141.

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    Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325

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2 Models of Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Power supply Waterproof performance About communication Mass How to start recording Recording method Measurement items Measurement interval Measurement accuracy Measuring range Temperature data recording capacity Minimum display Size Product code Data retention period Number of channels Interface Accessories
Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325-Part Number-AD-5325SET


$ 104.00〜

・1 lithium battery CR2
・Battery life: Approximately 1 year

IP54/JIS protection class 4 equivalent

・Communication software compatible OS: Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 7 / XP / Vista
・Body side connection terminal: USB-serial conversion adapter (AX-KO4141)
・PC side connection terminal: USB (AX-KO4141)

Approx. 70g (including battery)

Immediate start/Reserved start/Key start

One-time method (recording stops when recording capacity is exceeded)


1 second to 12 hours (can be set at arbitrary intervals of 1 second)

±0.6℃ (-20~50℃), ±1.2℃ (measurement range other than -20~50℃)


8,000 memory


53 (W) ╳75 (H) ╳23 (D) mm


Approximately 1 year (without battery)

1 channel (built-in)

Dedicated USB cable: AX-KO4141, computer side connection terminal is USB

Battery (for monitor), instruction manual, dedicated USB communication cable AX-KO4141

Temperature data logger AD-5325SET / AD-5325-Part Number-AD-5325


$ 58.50〜

・1 lithium battery CR2
・Battery life: Approximately 1 year

IP54/JIS protection class 4 equivalent

・Communication software compatible OS: Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 7 / XP / Vista
・Body side connection terminal: USB-serial conversion adapter (AX-KO4141)
・PC side connection terminal: USB (AX-KO4141)

Approx. 70g (including battery)

Immediate start/Reserved start/Key start

One-time method (recording stops when recording capacity is exceeded)


1 second to 12 hours (can be set at arbitrary intervals of 1 second)

±0.6℃ (-20~50℃), ±1.2℃ (measurement range other than -20~50℃)


8,000 memory


53 (W) ╳75 (H) ╳23 (D) mm


Approximately 1 year (without battery)

1 channel (built-in)

Dedicated USB cable: AX-KO4141, computer side connection terminal is USB

Battery (for monitor), instruction manual

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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