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MS stopper-MS stopper for carpet
MS stopper-MS stopper for P tile
MS stopper-Meiko Shokai Co., Ltd.
🖨️ Printing & Office Machines Use

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About This Product

●●Moving/fall prevention kit for equipment with casters●● There have been confirmed cases of equipment with casters moving or falling over in offices due to earthquake shaking, and it is known that this poses a major danger. The shredder is also equipped with casters for movement, so it is essential to take measures to prevent it from moving or tipping over even if it is subjected to strong shaking. Please use the "MS Stopper" to protect the safety of your employees and your company's assets.

■Do not move or fall. New idea shredder stopper

Traditionally, when it comes to earthquake protection for office equipment, the most common method was to use screws to secure it to walls or floors. However, when equipment is fixed to a wall or floor, the vibrations of the floor and the vibrations of the equipment during an earthquake are different, so they repel each other. If the seismic intensity exceeded a certain level, the fixings could come loose and cause the person to fall violently. Another problem was that once it was fixed, the casters could not be moved when changing the layout. Therefore, the "MS Stopper" was developed, which adopted the concept of vibration control. Seismic control is a technology used in buildings to absorb earthquake motion. MS Stopper, which has a unique vibration control structure that can be used even with equipment with casters, minimizes the movement and overturning of office equipment.

■Shock absorption belt absorbs vibrations

The resin plate firmly adheres to the office floor. Earthquake energy is absorbed by shock-absorbing belts extending from the plates and high-strength ropes, which are also used for parachutes. It has been proven through demonstration experiments that it can handle objects up to 200 kg.

■Does not damage the office and is easy to remove

If you fasten it with screws or anchors, it will damage the wall or floor, but with the MS Stopper, the resin plate just sticks firmly to the floor. It is easy to remove using the included special equipment and will not damage your office. *Some models of shredders cannot be installed due to the shape of the casters. Incompatible models: MSX-F100, MSV-D26C, MSV-D22C

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    MS stopper
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    Printing & Office Machines Use

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2 Models of MS stopper

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Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) JAN
MS stopper-Part Number-MS stopper for carpet

MS stopper for carpet

Available upon quote

4993460821116 (2 pieces per box)

MS stopper-Part Number-MS stopper for P tile

MS stopper for P tile

Available upon quote

4993460821123 (2 pieces per box)

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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