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CAE SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation-SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
CAE SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation-ABKS Co., Ltd.

CAE SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
ABKS Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■Achieve seamless design and analysis. Add-in thermal fluid analysis software equipped with a variety of result evaluation functions

"SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation" is thermal fluid analysis software built into SOLIDWORKS. Verify a wide range of thermal fluid problems with SOLIDWORKS-compliant operability. It is possible to analyze the flow of liquids and gases, as well as thermal coupling with solids. It can analyze various phenomena such as pressure loss in piping, temperature distribution in electronic equipment, and rotational behavior of impellers, making it ideal for verifying design proposals. In addition to fully automatic meshing that allows you to specify 7 levels of accuracy, it also has a mesh control function that partially refines the mesh to increase accuracy. Cut cell technology allows us to flexibly handle complex shapes, including curved surfaces.

■Recommended for those who have these problems

・Products are designed using SOLIDWORKS ・I want to check the flow of liquid and gas inside the product. ・I want to check the influence of pressure loss due to flow. ・Want to verify heat countermeasures inside electronic equipment ・I want to use thermo-fluid analysis, but I'm worried because it seems difficult.

■Fully integrated with SOLIDWORKS

You can perform everything from model creation to analysis within the SOLIDWORKS screen. It can be operated using the same GUI, so if you are using SOLIDWORKS, you can start analysis right away. Full SOLIDWORKS integration allows you to link multiple design variations using SOLIDWORKS parametric features such as design configurations.

■Abundant analysis functions

It is possible to analyze the flow of liquids and gases, as well as thermal coupling with solids. It can analyze various phenomena such as pressure loss in piping, temperature distribution in electronic equipment, and rotational behavior of impellers, making it ideal for validating design proposals.

■Examples of various result evaluation functions

・Flow line: Visualize the path of fluid flow with lines and arrows ・Contour, probe: Display calculation results on any cross section or surface ・XY plot: It is possible to output calculation results on any sketch. ・Acoustic evaluation: Graphs of frequency and sound pressure level for arbitrary time and arbitrary coordinates can be output.

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