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Polytron Homogenizer Handheld PT1200E-PT1200E
Polytron Homogenizer Handheld PT1200E-Central Scientific Trading Co., Ltd.

Polytron Homogenizer Handheld PT1200E
Central Scientific Trading Co., Ltd.

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About This Product


The Polytron homogenizer is a high-speed, all-purpose homogenizer that can crush cells in fibrous materials, hard tissues, organs, small bones, etc. in a short time using the synergistic effect of mechanical tearing (rotor-stator method) using fixed blades and high-speed rotating blades and high-frequency pulse energy. With many years of experience, "Polytron" is recognized as a synonym for cell disruption equipment and homogenizers, and is used in many universities, research institutes, and quality control settings. In the life science field, it is used as a component extraction homogenizer to extract biological samples such as DNA, RNA, proteins, and enzymes. Rapid homogenization can suppress the effects of various other inhibitors such as RNase, and the effects of heat can also be suppressed compared to homogenizers that take longer to process. Polytron homogenizers are also used outside the life science field, and can be used for a wide range of applications, including dispersing inks, organic and inorganic pigments, mixing liquids, and creating emulsions. Please try the "Polytron" homogenizer, which is highly needed as a pretreatment device for everything from student training and basic research to industrial applications.

■Polytron homogenizer handheld system for small amounts.

Because it is small and lightweight, it is easy to handle when processing small amounts of samples, and can be used for disrupting cells and tissues, extracting DNA/RNA, etc. using conical tubes, etc. An optional stand can be attached to the PT1300D, allowing you to perform processing with both hands free. The one-touch installation shaft can be easily disassembled and cleaned using the included tool, and there are autoclavable and disposable types.

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    Polytron Homogenizer Handheld PT1200E

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1 Models of Polytron Homogenizer Handheld PT1200E

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Motor Motor weight Number of revolutions Rotation speed control Power supply
Polytron Homogenizer Handheld PT1200E-Part Number-PT1200E


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0~25,000rpm (at no load)

Stepless dial control

100~240VAC 50/60Hz

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