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Analog signal converter output Screw terminal type Output type Module mounting base unit FA-ATB8YTB-FA-ATB8YTB
Analog signal converter output Screw terminal type Output type Module mounting base unit FA-ATB8YTB-Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Co., Ltd.

Analog signal converter output Screw terminal type Output type Module mounting base unit FA-ATB8YTB
Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■Product overview

Analog signal converters convert analog signals (temperature to voltage, etc.) to connect control equipment (sequencers) and devices (sensors, etc.). Various sensor information can be easily visualized (small-scale IoT).

■Features 1.

Thick wires such as compensation conductors can be connected directly.

■Features 2.

Various input modules can be mixed together due to channel isolation.

■Feature 3.

Use in combination with a conversion adapter.

■Connection device series

・MELSEC iQ-R ・MELSEC-Q ・MELSEC-L ・MELSEC-F ・CC-Link IE TSN ・CC-Link IE Field ・CC-Link ・Other company's PLC ・Computers from each company


・*1: Do not use or store in an environment pressurized above atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 0m. If used, it may malfunction. If you wish to use it under pressure, please contact our branch office or agent. ・*2: Indicates which power distribution section, from the public power distribution network to on-premises machinery, the device is expected to be connected to. Category II applies to equipment that is powered from fixed equipment. The surge withstand voltage for devices rated up to 300V is 2,500V. ・*3: An index that indicates the degree of occurrence of conductive substances in the environment in which the device is used. Pollution degree 2 produces only non-conductive pollution. However, it is an environment where temporary conductivity can occur due to accidental condensation.

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    Analog signal converter output Screw terminal type Output type Module mounting base unit FA-ATB8YTB

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1 Models of Analog signal converter output Screw terminal type Output type Module mounting base unit FA-ATB8YTB

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Overvoltage category *3 Number of slots Unit installation: DIN rail Unit installation: screw installation Operating ambient temperature Ambient humidity Usage altitude *1 Usage atmosphere Storage ambient temperature Storage ambient humidity External power supply Connected equipment Pollution degree *4 Current consumption (DC24V) Purpose Terminal block type Terminal block: terminal screw Terminal block: Applicable wire, tightening torque Deadline Dielectric strength voltage, insulation resistance Vibration resistance (if there is intermittent vibration) 5-8.4Hz Vibration resistance (if there is intermittent vibration) 8.4~150Hz Vibration resistance (if there is intermittent vibration) Number of sweeps Vibration resistance (when there is continuous vibration) 5-8.4Hz Vibration resistance (when there is continuous vibration) 8.4~150Hz Shockproof Product classification Installation location *2 Mass
Analog signal converter output Screw terminal type Output type Module mounting base unit FA-ATB8YTB-Part Number-FA-ATB8YTB


$ 107.25〜

II or below


Compatible DIN rail: TH35-7.5Fe, TH35-7.5Al (conforms to JIS C 2812)

M4×0.7mm×20mm or more Tightening torque range: 78~118N・cm (8~12kgf・cm)


5-95%RH (non-condensing)

2,000m or less

No corrosive gas


5-95%RH (non-condensing)



2 or less

6mA or less (excluding current consumption of modules, sequencers, and monitor equipment)

Wiring-saving/man-hour saving equipment

Screw terminal type

M3 self-up screw 7.62mm pitch

0.3~2mm^2 (when using crimp terminals), 58.8~88.2N・cm (6~9kgf・cm)

〇 (prepared product)

Between input, output, and power supply: AC750V for 1 minute, 10MΩ or more

Single amplitude 3.5mm

Acceleration 9.8m/s^2

10 times each in X, Y, and Z directions

Single amplitude 1.75mm

Acceleration 4.9m/s^2

147m/s^2, 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions (JIS B 3502, IEC61131-2 compliant)

Analog signal converter

Inside the control panel (indoor use)

Approximately 320g

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