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All-in-one set A (basic)
SMS Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■All-in-one set A (basic)

A great value set that includes industrial waste software + recommended printer + USB cable (for printer connection) + 1 year of annual maintenance contract

■Issuing a handwritten manifest is difficult.

Many people are having trouble writing large amounts of industrial waste management forms (manifests) by hand. If you only fill out a few sheets by hand, or if you only write down the items or the amount to be processed, it may be fine, but if you fill out everything from the waste generator to the disposal company by hand, and then hand-write dozens or even hundreds of sheets of industrial waste manifest, it will take a huge amount of time and effort. The manifest slip is a 7-8 copy slip. If you write so that it will be transcribed down to the bottom E note, you will need a lot of pressure. When I actually write it down, it is often thin and difficult to read. Furthermore, depending on the person in charge of filling out the form, it may be impossible to read what is written.

■A handwritten manifesto is the beginning of a vicious cycle...

It turns out that handwritten manifests take a lot of time and reduce work efficiency. In addition, when comparing the cases of handwriting and printers over a three-year period, handwriting may cause a company loss of 1.4 million yen.

■Try printing the manifest

I think many people use Excel or free software to create a manifest template and print their industrial waste manifest. However, since the manifest slip is made on copy paper, it cannot be printed with a regular inkjet printer or laser printer. If you do not have a dot impact printer, many of you may be considering purchasing one. Even the most popular models cost an average of 100,000 to 200,000 yen. Cheap models or second-hand models cost 40,000 to 50,000 yen, but they tend to break down quickly, have printing problems, and of course don't come with a manufacturer's warranty. We also sell it as a "recommended printer".

■SMS Industrial Waste Software Industrial Waste Ichiro

With an all-in-one set, you can get both a dot impact printer and industrial waste software at a great price. You can also save data and register templates for manifest slips. In Excel, it is possible to switch between continuous forms and single forms, which is a time-consuming process, and to print multiple sheets (sequentially numbered).

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    All-in-one set A (basic)

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1 Models of All-in-one set A (basic)

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All-in-one set A (basic)

$ 1,319.18〜

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