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Circulation filtration system SBF series pool specifications-SBFD (M) -103
Circulation filtration system SBF series pool specifications-Showa Iron Works Co., Ltd.

Circulation filtration system SBF series pool specifications
Showa Iron Works Co., Ltd.

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■Product overview

By combining it with a hot water heater or boiler, you can not only maintain hygiene but also improve the comfort of your bathtub, including temperature control. Compared to bathtub management with pouring hot water, economical efficiency is greatly improved.

■Managing water quality and temperature with hot water is actually a big concern and waste...

The ``Hygiene Management Guidelines for Public Baths'' stipulates that if a circulation filtration device is not used, ``the bathtub must be cleaned by completely changing the water every day,'' which requires a great deal of effort and is not only hygienic. Also, maintaining a constant water quality and temperature with hot water consumes a large amount of water resources and energy.

■SHOWA's circulation filtration system SBF series...

・Keeps bath water clean ・The bathtub temperature is almost uniform ・Properly disinfect bath water ・Environmental and economic efficiency

■SHOWA's circulation filtration system...

・Design water quality standards: Satisfy the latest water quality standards: Legionella bacteria must not be detected (less than 10CFU/100ml) ・Management: Daily backwash cleaning and pipe disinfection once a week *Pipe disinfection is available only in premium type: Automate filtration, backwashing, chemical injection, and pipe disinfection We also accept water quality surveys and measurements - Sterilization method: Hypochlorous acid/high temperature sterilization. Ultraviolet rays, ozone, silver ions (optional)

■From the bathtub to the pool. Achieves labor-saving maintenance and operational cost reductions

We offer a wide variety of products to suit the purpose of use, water quality, and other installation conditions. ・Premium type: High temperature/high concentration cleaning specification, high concentration cleaning specification ・Standard type: standard specification, economy specification, pool specification, FRP high corrosion resistance specification

■Product features

・Uses color LCD touch panel ・Equipped with inverter as standard ・High concentration cleaning function addition set

■Premium type

・Automate filter media disinfection with self-cleaning, significantly reducing management costs ・Reduce management costs by automating filter media disinfection ・Thorough cleaning using high-temperature water and highly concentrated chemicals that only premium types can do ・Improved resilience of filter media


・High temperature/high concentration cleaning specifications ・Thorough automatic cleaning of filter media with double cleaning function ・Heat exchanger ・High temperature cleaning ・High concentration cleaning


・High concentration cleaning specification ・Automatic cleaning of filter media with hypochlorous acid ・Heat exchanger ・High concentration cleaning

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    Circulation filtration system SBF series pool specifications

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1 Models of Circulation filtration system SBF series pool specifications

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Filtration pump capacity Diameter x output (kW) Filtration pump capacity Flow rate x total head Filtration capacity (m3/h) Dimension D (mm) Dimensions H (mm) Dimensions W (mm) Connection port size Filtration inlet/outlet Connection diameter Hot water inlet/outlet Connection port size Backwash drain port Heat exchanger primary side pressure loss (water head m) Heat exchange capacity (KW) Chemical dosing tank model Mass (kg) Filter media mass Mass (kg) Product mass Mass (kg) Operating mass Applicable pool capacity (m3) 12~5 turns
Circulation filtration system SBF series pool specifications-Part Number-SBFD (M) -103

SBFD (M) -103

Available upon quote


333×23 (L/min), 22 (water head m)










CT-U50VR-1M (capacity 50%, made of PE)





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