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Ozone water sterilization and deodorization device Compact with auto function YS Kurin YS05ZWA-YS05ZWA
Ozone water sterilization and deodorization device Compact with auto function YS Kurin YS05ZWA-Wise Company Co., Ltd.

Ozone water sterilization and deodorization device Compact with auto function YS Kurin YS05ZWA
Wise Company Co., Ltd.

About This Product

It is compact yet low cost and can generate ozone water of 0.8ppm. Hygiene management is achieved through ozonated water sterilization.

■Auto function

There is an infrared sensor in front of the main unit, and water can be released just by waving your hand over it. You can also select the water release time, which is very convenient because you don't have to touch the faucet.

■Features of YS05ZWA (Ozonated water) Recommended points for ozonated water made with YS06ZWA

・Wash/rinse with ozonated water. ・Cleaning and sterilization of food and cooking utensils. (sterilization) - Maintains freshness of ingredients. - Deodorizing dish towels and garbage.

■Usage fields of YS05ZWA/YS Kurin YS06ZWA/YS Kurin is used in the following places.

・Home ・Coffee shop/Restaurant ・Office ・Dental clinic ・Small restaurants ・Operating room ・For hygiene management in all other fields

■Effects of ozonated water

By introducing ozonated water, you can expect the following effects, including food poisoning prevention. - Sterilization of attached bacteria. (hands, countertop, utensils, cutting board, drain, vegetables, etc.) ・Prevents slime. ・Prevention of pests. - Prevents grease trap clogging. - Decomposition of bad smells from sewer pipes. ・Maintains food freshness. ・Decomposition of residual pesticides. - Prevents rough hands. (Because no alcohol is used)

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    Ozone water sterilization and deodorization device Compact with auto function YS Kurin YS05ZWA

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1 Models of Ozone water sterilization and deodorization device Compact with auto function YS Kurin YS05ZWA

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Ozone water concentration Ozone water amount Replacement parts (lifetime) Stop ahead Dimensions/weight Power consumption Faucet guide
Ozone water sterilization and deodorization device Compact with auto function YS Kurin YS05ZWA-Part Number-YS05ZWA


Available upon quote


5 liters/min

Air treatment agent (1 year) ・Decomposer cartridge (2 years)

Not possible



1 piece

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