This product is registered by Gadelius Industry Co., Ltd..
About This Product
■Reducing the risk of exposure to carcinogens by wiping and staining after firefighting activities
At a fire scene, many materials such as plastics, Styrofoam, insulation, and furniture burn and release toxic chemicals and carcinogens, such as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), which land on firefighters' PPE, such as their respirators and helmets.
If hazardous substances are not properly decontaminated, they can remain on PPE and be absorbed through the respiratory tract and skin, causing long-term systemic effects. A British study that analyzed the records of firefighters aged 30 to 74 found that firefighters were 1.6 times more likely to die from cancer than the general public, and more than three times as likely to die from certain cancers such as prostate cancer and leukemia.
A British study that analyzed the records of firefighters aged 30 to 74 found that firefighters were 1.6 times more likely to die from cancer than the general public, and more than three times more likely to die from certain cancers such as prostate cancer and leukemia.
Features of D-Wipe
■Prescription that “adsorbs” harmful substances generated at disaster sites
The unique molecular structure "nanotechnology" of the wipe impregnating liquid adsorbs and removes carcinogenic substances.
■Removal demonstration of dioxins and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
Experiments conducted by DeWipe with Manchester Metropolitan University have shown that it is effective in removing the most harmful carcinogenic chlorinated dioxins (17 types) and PAHs (8 types), including the highly carcinogenic benzo(a)pyrene.
■Non-alcoholic type, does not damage PPE
Can be safely used on a variety of materials.
Composite materials, plastics, polymers, metals, raw rubber, silicone, rubber
■Due to wiping PPE, the fabric is large and durable, making it less likely to tear.
In addition to PPE and equipment, it can also be used for vehicle seats, dashboards, hand microphones, etc.
■After wiping, the smell of smoke on PPE is reduced.
・The wipe has an aromatic scent, which helps reduce soot and smoke odors left on PPE.
・Used wipes can be disposed of as general garbage.
Disaster countermeasures Decontamination wipes for firefighting equipment Dewipe
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