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Efficiency support tools for classification, organizing, and comparison work in requirement definitions from requirement specifications REQMAN
IDAJ Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Reqman® is a demanding efficiency tool developed by Germany's EM Engineering Methods AG, automatically analyzing and evaluating user requirements regardless of file format or structure, and shown by customers. By organizing documents, etc., it dramatically reduces man -hours to create requirement definitions, deviation lists, etc. in -house. It is currently hired by more than 100 companies worldwide. Reqman can "classify and organize" the sentences described in the request specifications, achieving man -hours and reducing mistakes.

■ List of "request specifications" instantly and classify and organize

It is assumed that there is a PDF file format specifications described in multiple languages ​​such as English and German, such as headers, request numbers, requests, tables, and figures. If you import this specification to Reqman, it will be classified by header, requirements, and language.

■ Remove "Request items" from the document with the request and connect to the next process.

1. Read and analyze the required documents Import the request document to Reqman. Create a profile by drag and drop operation using a profile editor. Of course, you can also use existing profiles. Profiles define the analysis rules of the required documents. You can read information regardless of file format and structure such as PDF, Word, Excel, Reqif. 2. Evaluate and compare requests within the team Share the imported requests with members in the team, classify and evaluate them together, and create a single platform centrally create compliance matrix. This allows you to confirm the outline of the project and the status of documents in real time. It is possible to manage with Reqman even if a requested document updated by a customer is sent during such a work. Reqman can automatically compare different versions and simply click the button to visualize the change, so you can avoid duplicate work and monitor all document information.

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    Efficiency support tools for classification, organizing, and comparison work in requirement definitions from requirement specifications REQMAN

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1 Models of Efficiency support tools for classification, organizing, and comparison work in requirement definitions from requirement specifications REQMAN

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Web server Database Database size client


Available upon quote

Windows Server (64bit; 2008 or higher)
.Net 4.6.2 or higher
4GB RAM (recommended 16GB or more)

MSSQL 2010 or higher

Minimum 1GB or more

Microsoft Edge Chromium

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