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Cube type dielectric coated beam splitter CB02-2
Wired Co., Ltd.

About This Product

A cube beam splitter consists of two prisms (usually right-angled prisms). A suitable optical thin film is deposited on the slope of one prism to function as a beam splitter, and the slopes of the two prisms are joined to form a cube. Cube beamsplitters offer the following advantages over plate beamsplitters (described below), which have similar optical functionality: There is no refraction of the transmitted light, the optical path length of the split reflected light and the transmitted light are the same, and there is a thin film that functions as a beam splitter inside the glass substrate and does not come in contact with air, so there is little deterioration of the film itself. Also, beam spring Since the optical path length passing through the center is longer, the optical system as a whole can be expected to be more compact.Also, since the angle of incidence is normal, there is no need to set the angle of incidence to 45° as with the plate type, making alignment work easier. such as becoming. On the other hand, the disadvantages are that it is heavy due to its cube-shaped configuration, there are limits to the size that can be manufactured, and it is generally expensive. One of the two right-angle prisms used in the cube beam splitter has appropriate markings on its sand surface. A thin film is applied to the marked side of the prism to act as a beam splitter. When using a cube beam splitter, use the prism with markings on the sand surface as the input side. There is no problem with optical performance even if used in reverse, but the durability of the bonding resin may be affected.

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    Cube type dielectric coated beam splitter CB02-2

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