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E-learning solution Information/knowledge sharing Easy-to-operate assignment management system Rakuraku-kun-Rakuraku-kun
E-learning solution Information/knowledge sharing Easy-to-operate assignment management system Rakuraku-kun-Techno Broad Co., Ltd.

E-learning solution Information/knowledge sharing Easy-to-operate assignment management system Rakuraku-kun
Techno Broad Co., Ltd.

About This Product

Rakuraku-kun" was developed by Hiromasa Yamaguchi, head of the information department at Rikkyo Ikebukuro Junior and Senior High School. Assignment management system that is easy to operate and reduces the burden of operation, school administration, and management.

■Assignment submission/grading screen

Teachers can grade and correct student assignments. If the student has not submitted it by the set deadline, "Not submitted" will be displayed on the student's individual screen. Data can be centrally managed and downloaded in bulk in CSV format.

■Questionnaire function

Teachers or students can create surveys and allow students to respond.

■Typing assignment submission function

You can submit assignments by typing directly from the input form. Functional features

■Initial registration

- Data registration for teachers and students can be input/output in bulk as a CSV format file. - You can link and register multiple teachers for each grade group and subject. -Easy to operate even for teachers who are not good at computers.

■Assignment creation

You can create assignments in any file format used in high school classes.

■Assignment submission management

-You can instantly check the assignment submission status of all students in a list. (Sorted display of submitters/non-submitters is also possible) - An "unsubmitted alarm display" will appear on the screen of students who have not submitted their assignments, which will prevent students from failing to submit their assignments. ・The list can be output as a CSV format file.

■Scoring result management

・Since the performance information of all students over the three years of enrollment can be centrally managed, the growth of each student can be visualized numerically. - You can grade and correct assignments submitted by all students. ・If the teacher in charge of the assignment is on vacation, you can easily register another teacher to grade the assignment. ・The list can be output as a CSV format file.

■Attendance management

When a student logs in, they will be marked as "attended" and a list of attendance will be displayed on the teacher's screen.

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    E-learning solution Information/knowledge sharing Easy-to-operate assignment management system Rakuraku-kun

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1 Models of E-learning solution Information/knowledge sharing Easy-to-operate assignment management system Rakuraku-kun

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