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CNT blackbody/low light reflector CNT-Blackbody-CNT-Blackbody
CNT blackbody/low light reflector CNT-Blackbody-Microphase Co., Ltd.

CNT blackbody/low light reflector CNT-Blackbody
Microphase Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Vertically aligned CNTs have another unique feature. It's a very black thing. Among the generally black carbon materials, the light absorption rate of vertically aligned CNTs, which is particularly black, is said to be at almost the same level as that of a blackbody furnace, which is often used to calibrate the emissivity of radiation thermometers (AIST). (based on research results). A blackbody furnace is a complex device with a structure that confines light in a cylindrical cavity, but this CNT blackbody can be transferred to various substrates, films, and sheets, so it can be attached and used anywhere. . The secret to the blackness of CNT black bodies lies in their orientation. Since the tips of vertically aligned CNTs are in a brush-like state, the fine gaps between them create a structure that resonates and absorbs light. Therefore, when the surface is touched, the CNT tip structure changes and becomes no longer black. One of its uses is for emissivity calibration of radiation thermometers, in place of blackbody furnaces and blackbody paste. In addition, since CNT is a pure carbon material and does not contain binders, it can be heated to approximately 2,000℃ in an inert atmosphere, making it useful for emissivity correction and light source development in high-temperature areas. In addition, CNT black bodies can be used as high-performance black background materials in optical fields such as weak light detection from biological samples, optical microscopes, and camera mirrors where light reflection and background light must be suppressed.

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    CNT blackbody/low light reflector CNT-Blackbody

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1 Models of CNT blackbody/low light reflector CNT-Blackbody

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Microphase Co. Ltd., established in 1999 and headquartered in Ibaraki, Japan, is a manufacturer of nanotechnol...

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