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Polyethylene pipe resin fitting Polygrip PG different diameter cheese-PG20×13T
Polyethylene pipe resin fitting Polygrip PG different diameter cheese-P-One Shop

Polyethylene pipe resin fitting Polygrip PG different diameter cheese
P-One Shop

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About This Product

■Features of Polygrip

Polygrip consists of a nut and body that incorporate a split ring, spacer, and O-ring. There is no need to assemble individual parts, so there is no need to lose parts when removing them.

■Lightweight and safe

Polygrip is molded from resin, so it is lighter and easier to work with than metal joints. Also, since no metal is used, there is no need to worry about lead elution.

■Easy to connect

・Polygrip does not require removing nuts or chamfering pipes. - Installation is completed by simply inserting the pipe and tightening the nut. Additionally, nuts can be tightened with very little force, significantly reducing work time. ・Only when using a pipe cutter. If you use a saw, chamfering is required.

■Uses high-performance materials

Polygrip uses high-performance materials and exhibits excellent impact resistance, corrosion resistance, weather resistance, and abrasion resistance.

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    Polyethylene pipe resin fitting Polygrip PG different diameter cheese

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1 Models of Polyethylene pipe resin fitting Polygrip PG different diameter cheese

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Maximum working pressure Connection pipe outer diameterConnection pipe outer diameter Nominal diameter Specification temperature range Specification fluid
Polyethylene pipe resin fitting Polygrip PG different diameter cheese-Part Number-PG20×13T


$ 12.49〜


27.0mm (20) ×21.5mm (13)



Tap water

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