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Covered waste wood/waste plastic composite decking material (antibacterial type) Earth Deck Reborn-RE218D
Covered waste wood/waste plastic composite decking material (antibacterial type) Earth Deck Reborn-ABC Shokai Co., Ltd.

Covered waste wood/waste plastic composite decking material (antibacterial type) Earth Deck Reborn
ABC Shokai Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Artificial wood decking material that suppresses bacterial growth due to its antibacterial properties

This is an artificial wooden decking material made by extruding a mixture of wood waste and waste plastic. The double-layer structure increases weather resistance and reduces stretching and chalking caused by heat. Contains antibacterial properties and inhibits bacterial growth. Effective in preventing infectious diseases.

■Dual structure maintains beautiful color tone for a long time

It is molded with a two-layer structure: an inner layer and an outer layer. By coating the outer layer with a resin that has excellent weather resistance, chalking caused by UV deterioration is extremely reduced.

■There are no thorns or hangnails found in natural wood, so you can walk barefoot.

*Please be aware that in the summer, the surface temperature may rise rapidly and cause burns.

■Recycled decking material

A recycled artificial tree made by extruding a mixture of wood waste and waste plastic.

■Nice finish with non-screw method using special discs

By using the RE disk, the screw head will be hidden. This allows for a beautiful and clean finish.

■Coin fall prevention method (optional)

This is a construction method that prevents coins from falling from the joints of Earth Deck Reborn to the floor by setting a joint bar on the Reborn Coin Fall Prevention Disk. It prevents coins from falling under the deck, dead leaves and small debris, and reduces clogging of drains. Ideal for places used by an unspecified number of people, such as public buildings, schools, and commercial facilities.


Antibacterial properties inhibit bacterial growth

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    Covered waste wood/waste plastic composite decking material (antibacterial type) Earth Deck Reborn

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1 Models of Covered waste wood/waste plastic composite decking material (antibacterial type) Earth Deck Reborn

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax)
Covered waste wood/waste plastic composite decking material (antibacterial type) Earth Deck Reborn-Part Number-RE218D


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