General-purpose input/output GPIB adapter for built-in terminal DIO-5440GPBHandling Company
MCI Engineering Co., Ltd.Categories
Product Image | Part Number | Price (excluding tax) | Accessories Command manual | Accessories For terminal side connector | Accessories Instruction manual | Accessories for 5V power connector | Bus transfer speed | Data input 5440 mode | Data input 788AsCii mode | Data input 788BinAry mode | Data output 5440 mode | Data output 788AsCii mode | Data output 788BinAry mode | External dimensions | GPIB Specification Subset 5440 Mode | GPIB specification delimiter 5440 mode | GPIB specification delimiter 788AsCii mode | GPIB specification delimiter 788BinAry mode | GPIB specification subset 788AsCii mode | GPIB specification subset 788BinAry mode | GPIB specifications IC used Control LSI | GPIB specifications IC used Driver/Receiver | GPIB specifications Standard 5440 mode | GPIB specifications Standard 788AsCii mode | GPIB specifications Standard 788BinAry mode | Power consumption | Status input 5440 mode | Status input 788AsCii mode | Status input 788BinAry mode | Terminal side specifications Input signal | Terminal side specifications Output signal | Usage environment |
DIO-5440GPB |
Available upon quote | 1 part | Connector (HIF3BB-50D-2.54R) (manufactured by Hirose Electric) 1 piece | 1 part |
Connector (XHP-3) (made by JST) 1 piece Contact pin (BXH-001T-P0.6) (made by JST) 3 pieces |
Maximum 35K bytes/sec in 788BinAry mode | 24 bits/negative logic | 14 bits/positive logic | 8 bits/positive logic | 16/Positive logic | 8 bits/positive logic | 8 bits/positive logic | 102W×122L×22H (mm) (excluding protruding parts) | SH1,AH1,T5,L3,SR1,RL0,PP0,DC1,DT1,C0 | Select with dip switch | Select with dip switch | EOI" only (CR, LF, etc. are treated as data) | SH1,AH1,T5,L3,SR1,RL0,PP0,DC1,DT0,C0 | SH1,AH1,T5,L3,SR1,RL0,PP0,DC1,DT1,C0 | NAT9914BPDF (manufactured by National Instruments) | SN75160B/161B (equivalent to Texas Instruments) | IEEE-StD. 488.1-1992 | IEEE-StD. 488.1-1992 | IEEE-StD. 488-1978 | DC5V±5% 0.3A or less | 8 bits/negative logic (also used as data input) | 8 bits/negative logic | 7 bits/negative logic | C-MOS (pull up to +5V with 100KΩ) | C-MOS (IoH = IoL = 8mA mAx) | 0℃~45℃ (No condensation) |