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Sextant MS-L series MS-2L-MS-2L

Sextant MS-L series MS-2L

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About This Product

The Tamaya Measurement System logo imitates a sextant and an anchor, and it is no exaggeration to say that its history has its roots in the domestic production of navigational sextants. For many years, we have been working on instruments that back up the fundamentals of navigation, such as grasping position information, determining course, and keeping watch.The accuracy and ease of use of these instruments have earned them tremendous trust from many navigators and trainees. continues to be loved and loved.


A sextant accurately measures the angle between two targets, and is an important navigational instrument for measuring the altitude of celestial bodies and determining the latitude and longitude of a ship during navigation. Particularly on ocean voyages without targets, being proficient in celestial navigation using a sextant is an indispensable condition for a navigator. The accuracy of a sextant has a significant impact on determining the position of a vessel during navigation. Tamaya Measurement System's sextants have high measurement accuracy born from carefully selected materials and structures based on years of experience and technology, and have the excellent performance of reflectors and shade glasses, ease of use, and robustness. has a good reputation. The MS-L series is an authentic model that uses bronze for the frame and arc, and combines high precision and robustness. MS-2L: Domestic top market share model equipped with a 7 x 35mm prism telescope that provides a “brighter and wider field of view”

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    Sextant MS-L series MS-2L

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1 Models of Sextant MS-L series MS-2L

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Weight Lighting equipment Horizontal mirror Telescope Eyepiece colored glass Eyepiece polarized glass Storage box Moving mirror Degree scale Micrometer Frame arc Shade glass Accessories
Sextant MS-L series MS-2L-Part Number-MS-2L


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(Body) 1.8kg, (Storage box) 1.7kg

With lighting

Round shape, Φ57mm, half transparent

7×35mm prism type

1 piece dark

1 piece

Plastic W335×D335×H165mm

Rectangle, 57 x 42 mm, fully mirror plated

-5°~125°, 1° scale, white line on black background

Black drum, white line, 1’ scale, vernier 0.2’ reading

Corrosion-resistant light alloy/bronze, radius 162mm

3 pieces on the direct viewing side, 4 pieces on the reflective side

1 hex wrench, 2 AA batteries, 1 LED light bulb

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TAMAYA TECHNICS INC. was founded in 1675 in Japan as a manufacturer, and supplier of surveying instruments and...

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