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Batch extraction platform Z-FOX-Z-FOX-3000 (SS/HS/FP)
Batch extraction platform Z-FOX-Japan Science Core Co., Ltd.

Batch extraction platform Z-FOX
Japan Science Core Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

The Z-FOX batch extraction platform is a hybrid (batch + flow) approach to extraction that addresses the key challenges of batch-based liquid-liquid extraction by leveraging Zaiput's continuous separation technology and engineered mass transfer. .

■Current challenges in batch-based chemical processing

In many industrial chemical manufacturing segments (pharmaceutical, fine/specialty chemicals, etc.), liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a very common post-reaction purification step. Extraction is often performed in the same vessel as the reaction and relies on time-consuming mixing for mass transfer and even slower gravity-driven phase separation. Although common liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a well-established approach, it suffers from three major drawbacks from a production perspective: Z-FOX solves these traditional liquid-liquid extraction issues and achieves significant cost reductions. 1. Loss of productivity Batch liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) requires sufficient space in the reactor to add the liquid phase used for extraction. Therefore, if a reaction is followed by an extraction, only half (or less) of the reactor volume is actually used for the reaction. This significantly reduces reactor productivity by at least a factor of two. 2. Loss of time when running multiple extractions Some processes require multiple extractions (or "washes"). In addition to low productivity, the sequence of multiple washes doubles the time required. That is, two extractions require twice as much time, and three extractions require three times as much time. This creates a production bottleneck in terms of time. 3. Loss of time due to poor mixing and slow settling of the liquid phase (emulsion) Current approaches to liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) rely on agitators for mixing and gravity as the driving force for liquid phase separation. Better mass transfer (better mixing giving smaller droplets) results in a mixture that is difficult to separate. Current approaches rely on striking a balance between good mass transfer and facilitating system colonization. This results in wasted time and materials and leads to suboptimal process conditions that impact process time. Zaiput's Z-FOX batch extraction platform solves these problems and more by integrating continuous membrane separation and engineered mass transfer.

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    Batch extraction platform Z-FOX

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1 Models of Batch extraction platform Z-FOX

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Total flow rate Maximum allowable temperature Maximum pressure Operation Width x depth x height Internal capacity Pump wetted parts Filter
Batch extraction platform Z-FOX-Part Number-Z-FOX-3000 (SS/HS/FP)

Z-FOX-3000 (SS/HS/FP)

Available upon quote



2MPa (290psi)

Stand-alone & plant integrated control

760mm x 620mm x 1,150mm


Customizable to suit your compatibility needs

Different pore sizes available as options

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