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Crow Repellent Product Neck Hanging/Clip SARABA Crow-kun Neck Strap 1 Set-Kn001
Crow Repellent Product Neck Hanging/Clip SARABA Crow-kun Neck Strap 1 Set-Hokkaido Environmental Biosector Co., Ltd.

Crow Repellent Product Neck Hanging/Clip SARABA Crow-kun Neck Strap 1 Set
Hokkaido Environmental Biosector Co., Ltd.

About This Product

“SARABA Karasu-kun” neck strap and clip that people carry around

■New product of the type that people carry around

There are various ways to use it, such as wearing it around your neck while working, or keeping it in your bag and taking it out when you are in a place where there are a lot of crows.

■Manufacturer directly managed store

Groundbreaking crow repellent goods introduced on “Australian National Broadcasting” and “Mezamashi TV”

■Product overview

・The "SARABA Crow-kun" sticker is stored in an ID case with a neck strap. - A new product that you can "carry around" instead of "sticking it somewhere." ・Unlike light from CDs or reflectors, reflected light that incorporates biotechnology poses a great threat to crows, and they flee.

■Validity period

6-8 months

■How to use/example

Just hang the neck strap around your neck, attach the clip to your partner or clothes, and show it to the crows threatening you from the top of the tree, and the crows will be startled and run away.

■Precautions for use

・If the sticker is facing backwards, it will not be effective. -If a crow approaches, hold the case in your hand and show it to the crow. The crow is startled and runs away. ・In extremely dark places, the repellent effect may be weakened. ・The product's shelf life is 6 to 8 months. If the sticker continues to be exposed to UV rays, it will deteriorate and turn white, so please use this as a guide for replacing the product. Recommended for locations and damage like this Park/street attacks (breeding season)

■Measures for dog walks, excursions, etc.

Hang the lanyard around your neck or attach the clip to your hat or breast pocket. If you say you're always being targeted, it's likely that you've been shot in the head by the same crow in the same place. In that case, please show the neck strap/clip to the crow at the relevant location. As soon as the crow runs away, it recognizes that ``this person has something I don't like,'' and will no longer attack. However, persistent crows may shoot you out of fear. In that case, be patient and repeat this several times, and the crows will eventually give in and stop coming after you.

■Measures at construction sites

Hanging a neck strap around your neck, attaching a clip to your hat or breast pocket, or attaching a sticker to your helmet are also effective.

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    Crow Repellent Product Neck Hanging/Clip SARABA Crow-kun Neck Strap 1 Set

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1 Models of Crow Repellent Product Neck Hanging/Clip SARABA Crow-kun Neck Strap 1 Set

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Height (cm) Width (cm) Thickness (mm)
Crow Repellent Product Neck Hanging/Clip SARABA Crow-kun Neck Strap 1 Set-Part Number-Kn001


$ 5.20〜

ID case: 9.5

ID case: 11.5

ID case: 1

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