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JD-NET compatible EDI, order-receiving and shipping system for the pharmaceutical industry-JD-NET compatible EDI
JD-NET compatible EDI, order-receiving and shipping system for the pharmaceutical industry-Filler Systems Co., Ltd.

JD-NET compatible EDI, order-receiving and shipping system for the pharmaceutical industry
Filler Systems Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

As a pharmaceutical/pharmaceutical manufacturer, we receive orders from wholesalers, lot reservations, shipping instructions, shipping, and inventory management (stocking schedule, stocking results), and are equipped with industry-specific sales operations and ordering functions as standard equipment. My job is to send and receive the EDI system from JD-NET. Check the list of EDI and FAX order data. Reserve lots while considering lot reversals. We also handle storage of biological products, drugs, refrigerated products, inventory status, and refrigerated truck shipping dates. You can also register slips for returns, discounts, price increases, and rebates.

■Automate order processing and reduce input work. DX operational efficiency

It is equipped with industry-specific functions from order receipt to shipment for the pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales industry (hereinafter referred to as pharmaceutical manufacturers) as standard. Most pharmaceutical orders are sent and received using the EDI system, but fax orders still remain. Therefore, with EzEDI, you can check all order data linked from the EDI system and manually registered order data in a list. Lot reservations are made for the order data, taking into account lot reversals, etc. We also handle warehouses for refrigerated products such as biological products, and shipping days for refrigerated trucks. It is also possible to register vouchers for paid returns, free returns, discounts, price increases, and rebates. Additionally, by taking advantage of the features of SaaS, we help customers improve their business efficiency and reduce costs. With over ten years of rich experience in the pharmaceutical industry, we provide system provision, operation, and total support for your company.

■You can rest assured in the future as you will not be using an ISDN that is about to end.

Typical pharmaceutical EDI solutions use NTT's ISDN for communication, but that service will also end in 2024. Our EzEDI does not use ISDN, so it is safe for the future. In the future, we will support various Internet EDIs.

■Pharmaceuticals | Convert from pharmaceutical wholesaler code to in-house code

The code for data coming from EDI (JD-NET, NHI) is a wholesaler-specific code. We will automatically convert that code to your company's code. Also, if your company sends the message, we will convert your company's code to a code for the wholesale company. The data conversion method differs depending on the wholesale company, but since all you need to do is register the master, it is easy to start using it.

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    JD-NET compatible EDI, order-receiving and shipping system for the pharmaceutical industry

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1 Models of JD-NET compatible EDI, order-receiving and shipping system for the pharmaceutical industry

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JD-NET compatible EDI, order-receiving and shipping system for the pharmaceutical industry-Part Number-JD-NET compatible EDI

JD-NET compatible EDI

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