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Spectroscopic measurement 3D microlaser Raman spectrometer Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)-Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)
Spectroscopic measurement 3D microlaser Raman spectrometer Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)-Tokyo Instruments, Inc

Spectroscopic measurement 3D microlaser Raman spectrometer Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)
Tokyo Instruments, Inc

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About This Product

■3D microlaser Raman spectrometer Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)

Spatial resolution of 200 nanometers, customizable to suit your application

■3D Microscope Laser Raman Spectrometer Nanofinder 30A Overview

This device can perform 3D Raman imaging and analysis with high spatial resolution of 0.2 μm or less in the horizontal direction (X, Y-axis resolution) and 0.5 μm or less in the depth direction (Z-axis resolution). Raman analysis increases analytical power when combined with other analytical techniques. In order to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers, this equipment can be used not only as standard, but also in a way that can be expanded later, so it can be upgraded. Examples include combinations with piezo stages, galvano scanners, cryostats, heating chambers, scanning probe microscopes (SPM), streak cameras, time-correlated single photons (TCSPC), and expansion to nonlinear Raman spectroscopy (CARS Raman spectroscopy). can. By customizing it according to the customer's application, it becomes a complex Raman spectrometer with higher productivity. The software has been developed to be easier to use than before, allowing measurements to be performed in conjunction with various hardware, providing efficient data collection and clear analysis results. We accept demo measurements. We have heard from our customers that they can collect data clearly. We also have a system in place for after-sales follow-up and maintenance services. Nanofinder® series

■High-quality Raman spectroscopy and analysis evaluation with a spatial resolution of 200 nanometers

Twenty years ago, Tokyo Instruments pioneered the industry's first ``Raman imaging with a spatial resolution of 200 nanometers,'' and continues to strive for ``cutting-edge analysis and evaluation technology.''


・Using a platform with a high degree of freedom, it is possible to combine with various analysis methods ・Because the sample is irradiated with a weak excitation laser, damage is reduced and analysis is performed with high sensitivity and speed. ・Spatial resolution: 200nm (excitation laser 488nm, when using oil immersion lens) ・Wavenumber resolution: 0.22 cm-1 (Echelle diffraction grating) ・Non-destructive and easy measurement

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    Spectroscopic measurement 3D microlaser Raman spectrometer Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)

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1 Models of Spectroscopic measurement 3D microlaser Raman spectrometer Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Microscope section Spatial resolution Numerical aperture N.A. Spatial resolution Wavelength Spatial resolution Z direction Spatial resolution XY direction Irradiation laser (selection) -2 Irradiation laser (selection) -1 Wavenumber range Wavenumber resolution Detector Electronically cooled CCD Detector Sensitivity Control/analysis computer/software-2 Control/analysis computer/software-1 Overall performance Optical system (selection) Piezo stage position repeatability Piezo stage stage load capacity Piezo stage Z Piezo stage X/Y Piezo stage Galvano scanner (optional) Imaging spectrometer Stray light rejection ratio Imaging spectrometer focal length Imaging spectrometer diffraction grating Imaging spectrometer Number of exit ports Imaging spectrometer slit width Other options
Spectroscopic measurement 3D microlaser Raman spectrometer Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)-Part Number-Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)

Nanofinder 30A (ADVANCED TYPE)

Available upon quote

・Upright type, inverted type (selection)
・Observation CCD camera (EMCCD etc. can also be installed)
・Differential interference observation, fluorescence observation, polarization observation, phase contrast observation *Optional

0.9/1.4 (oil immersion)




633nm, 785nm 980nm, 1,064nm (others such as pulse laser can be installed)
(Choose from irradiation laser (selection) -1, 2)

325nm, 364nm, 442nm, 458nm, 473nm, 488nm, 514nm, 532nm
(Choose from irradiation laser (selection) -1, 2)

50 cm-1~5,000 cm-1 (depending on the irradiation laser)

0.22 cm-1~20 cm-1 (@1.5CCD element)

1,024×128 elements (26μm/element) ((Can be selected from ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared types, etc.)

Single photon counting detector

High sensitivity measurement of Si Raman 4th peak within 1 minute (@488nm, 5mW)

・Display of Raman spectrum
・Raman peak wavenumber calibration
・Baseline correction
・Curve fitting
・Can be equipped with spectral database software
・Can be linked with multivariate analysis software

・2D/3D image rotation, cross section display at any position
・Spectrometer drive (grating change), slit control
・Laser switching mirror (up to 5 types of lasers can be installed)
・Control of various filters and polarizers

Control of optical components is fully automated by PC
Air spring vibration isolation table

・Visible-Near Infrared
・Ultraviolet-near infrared
・Optical element for polarization measurement
・Low wave number unit
・Auto focus unit
・Edge filter, notch filter
・Wave number calibration unit

<30nm closed loop

Up to 1kg


100μm (300μm can also be selected)

Can also be combined with motor stage

X/Y: 80μm (100x objective lens), 200μm (40x objective lens)


52cm, 81cm

4 pieces can be installed (automatic switching)

3 (up to 3 types of detectors can be installed)

0~1.5mm (electric)
50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1,200, 1,800, 2,400, 2,800, 3,600, 75 (Echelle) G/mm

・Heating/cooling stage (-180℃~600℃)
・Time-resolved measurement: Streak camera, TCSPC (time-correlated single photon counting method)
・Near-field Raman measurement TERS

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Tokyo Instruments, Inc., established in 1981, and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a manufacturer of opto-ele...

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