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Photodetector/photoelectron spectroscopy analyzer High-gain secondary electron multiplier (detection of electrons, ions, and high-energy photons) Channeltron
Tokyo Instruments, Inc

💻 Electronics & Electrical Use

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About This Product

■Product overview

PHOTONIS' Channeltron is a secondary electron multiplier tube that directly detects electrons, ions, and high-energy photons and outputs an amplified signal. High sensitivity, high gain, and long life are achieved by high-temperature glass processing technology obtained from advanced aerospace technology. Some models (4200, 5900 series) can also be used in low vacuum due to the unique Spiraltron technology (six input channels arranged in a spiral pattern). There are two data output modes: a pulse counting mode suitable for weak light measurement, and an analog mode that directly measures the signal amount.


The Spiraltron™ detector is a channeltron with 6 independent channels arranged on the photosensitive area. This arrangement increases detection efficiency by a factor of 6 compared to the single-channel one. Additionally, these channels spiral around the center, reducing ion feedback from residual gas molecules. This dramatically increases detector lifetime and dynamic range.


・Detection of electrons, ions, and high-energy photons ・High gain (1×10E+6 (1×10E-8) ・Pulse counting mode suitable for weak light measurement, analog mode that outputs the signal amount as is ・Can be used in low vacuum due to Spiraltron technology (4200 series, 5900MAGNUM series) ・ (Spiraltron: 1×10E-5 Torr, Megaspiraltron: 1×10E-3 Torr) ・High gain and dark count due to unique high-temperature glass processing and coating technology ・A wide range of selections depending on usage and size


1. The accelerated object to be detected hits the wall of the channeltron and emits multiple secondary electrons. 2. The emitted secondary electrons are accelerated deep into the channel by a bias, and each time they hit the channeltron wall, multiple secondary electrons are emitted, thereby amplifying the electrons. 3. Detect the amplified electrons as a current value.


4000 series: Detector for low current consumption

  • Product

    Photodetector/photoelectron spectroscopy analyzer High-gain secondary electron multiplier (detection of electrons, ions, and high-energy photons) Channeltron
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    Electronics & Electrical Use

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1 Models of Photodetector/photoelectron spectroscopy analyzer High-gain secondary electron multiplier (detection of electrons, ions, and high-energy photons) Channeltron

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Output mode

Channeltron 4000 series

Available upon quote

Pulse, analog & pulse counting

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Tokyo Instruments, Inc., established in 1981, and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a manufacturer of opto-ele...

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