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Physical and chemical equipment Oxygen measurement system Hansatech oxygen measurement system Oxygraph+-Oxygraph+
Physical and chemical equipment Oxygen measurement system Hansatech oxygen measurement system Oxygraph+-Asahiko Trading Co., Ltd.

Physical and chemical equipment Oxygen measurement system Hansatech oxygen measurement system Oxygraph+
Asahiko Trading Co., Ltd.

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About This Product


Oxygraph+ measures the oxygen produced or consumed by a sample as it breathes. The Clark-type oxygen electrode uses a membrane with a fast reaction rate. Accurate oxygen concentration can be monitored using a controller with a stirrer.


・Easily measure photosynthesis or respiration ・Extensive lineup of cuvettes ・Easy calibration using software

■Oxygraph+electrode control unit

The next generation oxygen electrode control unit, Oxygraph+, significantly increases flexibility and performance compared to previous generation electrode control units, combining striking appearance with enhanced functionality. Oxygraph+ is a complete system that provides a convenient and powerful tool for measuring oxygen evolution and uptake in a wide range of liquid phase samples, from chloroplast extracts to mitochondrial suspensions with up to 100% oxygen concentration. Oxygraph+ offers unparalleled value for money, combining simple operation with an excellent feature set. Great flexibility makes Oxygraph+ useful for both teaching and research alike. With 24-bit resolution, minute changes in oxygen concentration can be detected without applying equipment gain. Therefore, you can get a beautiful trace without noise even if you zoom in on the area of ​​interest. Oxygraph+ can graph signals from auxiliary inputs and ion-selective electrodes in real time. This allows comprehensive analysis of oxygen activity at the same time as signals such as pH, TPP+, calcium, potassium, and hydrogen ions. Up to 8 Oxygraph+ control units can be linked to one PC and operated simultaneously from OxyTrace+ software, providing a powerful multi-channel system.

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    Physical and chemical equipment Oxygen measurement system Hansatech oxygen measurement system Oxygraph+

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1 Models of Physical and chemical equipment Oxygen measurement system Hansatech oxygen measurement system Oxygraph+

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Power supply Electrode type Electrode output Oxygen consumption Suitability Communication Measuring range Temperature control Residual current Structure Response time Size External dimensions Resolution Polarization voltage Input sensitivity Signal input Magnetic stirrer Plunger Sample amount Sample chamber Sampling rate Electronics Analog output S1 oxygen disc weight DW1/AD electrode chamber weight
Physical and chemical equipment Oxygen measurement system Hansatech oxygen measurement system Oxygraph+-Part Number-Oxygraph+


Available upon quote

90~264Vac@1A, 12V DC@100mA

Clark type polarographic oxygen sensor

Typical 1.6μA at 21% O2

Typically <0.015µmol/hr-1

Liquid phase respiration/photosynthesis


Oxygen: 0~100%, pH: 0~14pH, Aux: 0~4.096V

Water jacket connected to circulating constant temperature water tank (required separately)

Typical 0.04µA in 0% O2


10~90%, usually less than 5 seconds



Oxygen: 0.0003% (24 bits), pH: 0.0006pH (16 bits),
Aux: 62.5μV/bit (16bit)



S1 O2 electrode (SMB), pH/ISE (BNC), Aux (8-pin MiniDin),

150~900rpm, soft control in % steps

Height-adjustable plunger assembly with central bore for sample addition


Glass tube

0.1~10 times/sec

Microcontroller: 16-bit high-performance CPU dual, low-power, 16/24-bit Sigma Delta running on 32MHz ADC

0~4.5V O2 signal

100 grams


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