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A long-selling product for 30 years.It has been useful in preventing various types of water damage, from flooding to indoor water leaks.Water-absorbing bag type LL-1-LL-1
A long-selling product for 30 years.It has been useful in preventing various types of water damage, from flooding to indoor water leaks.Water-absorbing bag type LL-1-Aquaboy Co., Ltd.

A long-selling product for 30 years.It has been useful in preventing various types of water damage, from flooding to indoor water leaks.Water-absorbing bag type LL-1
Aquaboy Co., Ltd.

About This Product

Manufacturing technology and features not found in other companies. The water-absorbing material in the water-absorbing sandbags is all powdered super-absorbent polymer (SAP). We mixed the SAP with pulp and successfully made it into a sheet using thermoforming technology. Super water-absorbent sheet wrapped in beautiful seamless high-frequency packaging.

■Characteristics of “Aqua Boy”

・Amazing water absorption amount and speed ・We added folds to both ends of the bag to prevent water from escaping through the gaps (Type: LL-1) - Thin and light, so you don't have to worry about where to store the packaging. ・Storage life after purchase is over 10 years in intermediate testing

■Unique “capillary effect” function

・Sucks up water from narrow spaces ・Continues to absorb water even if you touch one end of the bag

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    A long-selling product for 30 years.It has been useful in preventing various types of water damage, from flooding to indoor water leaks.Water-absorbing bag type LL-1

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1 Models of A long-selling product for 30 years.It has been useful in preventing various types of water damage, from flooding to indoor water leaks.Water-absorbing bag type LL-1

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Packing (quantity) Dimensions: mm (weight: g) Water absorption (ℓ) Specifications (Height after water absorption: cm)
A long-selling product for 30 years.It has been useful in preventing various types of water damage, from flooding to indoor water leaks.Water-absorbing bag type LL-1-Part Number-LL-1


$ 10.40〜

20 pieces

570×430×4 (220)


Contains PP non-woven fabric, with left and right folds (11)

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