This product is registered by Uniplastech Co., Ltd..
About This Product
Monofilament has endless possibilities, from industrial materials to high-tech fields. Its uses are expanding further.
Monofilament is an essential material for a variety of plastic resin products, including those for marine products, textiles, clothing, and brushes. In the future, we will enter an even more high-tech era, and applications will begin to expand into unknown areas.
At Uniplus, we utilize our strengths in planning, developing, and manufacturing both yarn and yarn manufacturing equipment to meet the various needs of our customers.
Main uses
Fishing nets, fishing lines, fixed nets, aquaculture nets, and various ropes
Screens, filters, conveyor belts, felt, dry canvas, insect repellent nets, clothing interlining, curtain interlining, tatami edges, ribbons, tapes, printed circuit boards, various base fabrics
Zippers, sewing thread, magic fasteners
Toothbrushes, brushes, paintbrushes, felt-tip pens, paintbrushes
Orchard hanging shelf, shading net, gardening, architectural use
Artificial turf, tennis guts, tire cords, electric wire coatings, food belts, wigs, doll hair, optical fibers, aircraft materials, medical use, etc.
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