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Drug information management Drug management guidance support system (Web system) PICSweb-PICSweb
Drug information management Drug management guidance support system (Web system) PICSweb-Infocom Co., Ltd.

Drug information management Drug management guidance support system (Web system) PICSweb
Infocom Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Drug management guidance service that realizes sharing of medical information using the latest technology and new ideas

A new style of PICS was born, combining the knowledge of drug management guidance operations that we have accumulated over the years, incorporating the voices of on-site pharmacists, and also reflecting changes in the medical industry. As a web system, we have incorporated innovations throughout to provide higher quality and more efficient medication guidance to patients than ever before, dramatically improving operability and visibility. PICSweb provides support in all aspects so that pharmacists, who are required to have a higher level of expertise in pharmaceuticals, can perform drug management guidance tasks without stress.

■Work list

・You can see at a glance the progress of a series of tasks, from preparation for guidance to completion of sending reports and medical matters. - To prevent omissions in instruction, when there are a large number of instructors, you can register and send instruction preparation, implementation status, and calculation information all at once.

■Patient information

- If the registered patient information differs from the latest order information, a mark will be displayed at the relevant location. -You can display a list of changes and update only the necessary information while checking the details individually.

■Medication history

・Equipped with a function to register practice history and display it side by side with prescription history. ・Click on the drug name to display DI information. - If you use the medicine registration function, you can also check for interactions with existing order details.

■Drug management guidance record

- Since you can import the necessary parts with one click while referring to past records and drug history, you can quickly create accurate records. ・Template function smoothly supports problem care plan creation. ・By sending the completed record to the electronic medical record, doctors and nurses can also refer to it freely.


・The overall schedule displays 15 days worth of guidance, calculation status, and event information such as admissions and discharges for the patient you are responsible for, so you can plan your guidance while looking at the entire situation. ・Personal schedule displays one month's worth of instruction status and event information.

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    Drug information management Drug management guidance support system (Web system) PICSweb

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1 Models of Drug information management Drug management guidance support system (Web system) PICSweb

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