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Targeted attack countermeasure email security solution proofpoint-Proof point
Targeted attack countermeasure email security solution proofpoint-NSD Co., Ltd.

Targeted attack countermeasure email security solution proofpoint
NSD Co., Ltd.

About This Product

Business email security issues

■Scams and email attacks are becoming more sophisticated

Business email fraud, which involves sending emails impersonating business partners or executives to defraud companies of large sums of money or specific information, has also caused damage in Japan. The content of the emails can be sophisticated enough to trick recipients into tricking them with information related to the targeted organization. A major feature of business email fraud is that it cannot be dealt with using traditional sandboxing or URL analysis functions, as there is no malware attached to the email or the URL within the email. The key to countering business email fraud is how to detect spoofed emails. "proofpoint" solves that problem.

■What is proofpoint?

Optimize email security infrastructure to reduce total system operating expenses

■Preventing infections from malicious sites

Verify whether the URL contained in the received email is dangerous. If there is a threat, we will block access to the URL and prevent infection.

■Adapts to the latest spam emails

Analyzes the structure of received emails and combines them with local predictive behavioral data to automatically adapt to the latest situation. The latest spam emails can be detected without any tuning by administrators.

■Prevent damage by detecting spoofed emails

・Detect the characteristics of targeted attack emails and block their intrusion ・New targeted attack emails can also be detected using a function that temporarily suspends "grayed emails" and re-examines them using the latest definition file.

■Monitoring attack status for peace of mind in case of emergency

By visualizing when and who was targeted, what kind of attack occurred, which employees are likely to be targeted, etc., it is possible to confirm what happened, enabling quick response and recovery. proofpoint features

■Detection: Anomalytics service

Modeling “normal conditions” and detecting potential threats in emails

■Protection: URL Clicktime Defense Service

Rewrite URLs and protect them when clicked

■Defense: Malware Analysis Service

Inspection, determination, and prevention of threats using various methods such as sound boxes

■Support: Threat Insight Service

Visualize attacks and quickly respond to threats (TAP dashboard)

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    Targeted attack countermeasure email security solution proofpoint

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Proof point

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