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About This Product
Thin, light, and extremely strong. Structurally integrated aluminum panels for all applications. Strong panel [Patented product]
Features of Strong Panel
■Low cost
Since aluminum extrusions are fitted and connected to form a panel, processing costs can be significantly reduced. As a result, costs can be reduced by at least 30% compared to expensive honeycomb panels.
■Maximum strength
Because the aluminum box shapes are rotatably connected, the strength of the panel is such that it can be used as a structural material. Under uniformly distributed loads, we achieved 2,600N/㎡ even under severe conditions where the fixed point was moved 2M.
Strength tested (uniformly distributed load test and locally concentrated load test)
(Purpose of the test: The main uses are to verify the strength performance that can be used as large eaves such as entrance eaves, pedestrian deck roof eaves, roof eaves, bicycle storage roof eaves, etc., and wall structures such as independent walls.)
Furthermore, by simply inserting POWER LIB, we have achieved performance that can be used on large shelter roofs and in areas with heavy snowfall. Its strength is that it will not break even under a concentrated load of 4,000N (≒400Kgf).
■Various uses
The advantage of extruded shapes is that spandrel shapes with protrusions and R shapes can be extruded, so there is no need for complicated designs or expensive processing such as R processing. This can be applied to a wide variety of applications.
■An example of use
・Roof panels (bicycle parking, bus shelters, aisle shelters, entrances, smoking booths, etc.), fall prevention panels
・Structural panels, exterior/interior wall panels
・R-shaped booth/eaves
・Large louver
・Sign panels, etc.
■Thin type “Strong Panel 24” is now available
Introducing the new Strong Panel 24, which is 40% thinner (24 mm thick) than the standard Strong Panel (standard product: 40 mm thick) but has high strength comparable to the standard product, making it perfect for roofing materials.
Structural integrated aluminum panel Strong panel
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