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Log house exterior paint (water-based) Valtti Plus Kesto-Valtti Plus Kesto
Log house exterior paint (water-based) Valtti Plus Kesto-Suncolor Co., Ltd.

Log house exterior paint (water-based) Valtti Plus Kesto
Suncolor Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Product description

Exterior wood stain based on improved acrylate binder. It is a highly durable product with excellent UV protection. The finish is semi-matte and protects the wood from moisture. It has excellent light resistance and delays the negative effects of moisture and sunlight.

■Usage example

・Exterior paneling, laminate logs, fences, exterior window frames, doors, etc. ・Unpainted surfaces or surfaces previously painted with wood stain

■Product features

Suitable for exterior laminated logs, sawn timber, planed timber, injection treated timber, heat treated timber etc.

■Construction area

・Rough surface: 4-8㎡/L, Smooth surface: 8-12㎡/L (for one coat) ・Actual workable area will vary depending on many factors such as surface condition, porosity, moisture content, etc. Apply the paint evenly with the paint film.

■Drying time 23℃ Humidity 50%

It will be dry enough to touch after 2 to 4 hours and ready for topcoating after 24 hours.


Protect from freezing. Keep the can tightly closed until next use. Toned cans cannot be stored for long periods of time. Please use up the paint during the painting period. The composition of a used paint can may change over time.

■Painting conditions

The surface to be painted must be dry and the moisture content of the wood must be less than 20%. During painting and drying, please make sure that the air temperature, wood surface and paint temperature are above 5℃ and the relative humidity in the air is below 80%. The best painting conditions are calm, cloudy and dry weather with temperatures between +10 and 20°C.


・Unpainted surface: If there is dirt, dust, or peeling, remove it with a steel brush or cleaning brush. Clean moldy surfaces with a suitable mold remover. Apply the Balti base of primer early in the construction process. Protect plants from primer splatter. ・Maintenance painting (surfaces coated with translucent paint): If there are any peeling or darkened parts, please remove them with a scraper or steel brush. Remove surface dirt and, if necessary, wash with a suitable mold remover. Apply Balti Base primer to areas where the wood surface is visible. If a glossy coating remains on the wood surface, sand it.

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    Log house exterior paint (water-based) Valtti Plus Kesto

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1 Models of Log house exterior paint (water-based) Valtti Plus Kesto

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Can size Specific gravity Construction equipment Solid content Luster Base paint
Log house exterior paint (water-based) Valtti Plus Kesto-Part Number-Valtti Plus Kesto

Valtti Plus Kesto

Available upon quote


Approximately 1.0Kg/L ISO2811


Approximately 33%


EPP and OPP (for super color)

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