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Sterilization materials HPSP® sterilization bag one-seal type (cut product)-TS-3000C100
Sterilization materials HPSP® sterilization bag one-seal type (cut product)-Nihon Yu Giken Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Sterilization materials HPSP® sterilization bag one-seal type (cut product)
Nihon Yu Giken Kogyo Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■HPSP® Sterilization Materials, a trusted brand that supports safety and reliability

Surgery and all medical procedures require a high level of sterility. However, even in this modern age where medical care is so advanced, cases of infection due to poor sterilization continue to occur all over the world. Since microorganisms are invisible, clear standards and advanced science are required to know how much sterilization is necessary to ensure safety. Just as advanced knowledge and technology are essential for medical safety, sterilization also requires professionals who have the skills to accurately understand the sterilization mechanism and process it appropriately. The HPSP® sterilization materials provided by Nihon Yu Giken Kogyo were developed to deliver high-quality products that meet the needs of professionals in the medical field. Our technology, cultivated over half a century of temperature control know-how, makes us an indispensable partner for safely and reliably performing sterilization operations. On this page, we would like to introduce "HPSP® sterilization materials," which can check sterilization processing, diagnose sterilization performance, and serve as a good advisor for improving sterilization reliability.

■AC/EO gas dual use sterilization bag (roll)

This is a pre-cut product of the TS-3000/4000/5000 series of sterile bags. The one-seal bag is heat-sealed on three sides and has a bag-like shape, so you can immediately insert sterilized items, heat-seal one end, and use it. We have a large lineup of sizes that cover a variety of uses.

■Features of sterilization bag TS-3000, 4000, 5000 series

- An indicator is printed on the film surface of the sterilization bag. Reduces the effects of adhesion of water, alcohol, etc. Sterile objects do not come into direct contact with the indicator, making it safer. ・Using colored film for sterilization bags - Cutting guide lines are attached to the film at 5cm intervals. -The TS-3000 series is designed with an emphasis on easy peel. ・TS-4000 and TS-5000 series are designed with emphasis on heat sealability. ・After autoclaving, the words "AC completed" will appear in brown. ・After EO gas sterilization processing, the pink indicator turns to light blue.

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    Sterilization materials HPSP® sterilization bag one-seal type (cut product)

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1 Models of Sterilization materials HPSP® sterilization bag one-seal type (cut product)

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Sterilization materials HPSP® sterilization bag one-seal type (cut product)-Part Number-TS-3000C100


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1 volume (2,000 sheets)


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