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Economical commercial cleaner that uses diluted water Machine Cleaner Eco-Machine cleaner eco
Economical commercial cleaner that uses diluted water Machine Cleaner Eco-Yukosha Shito Trading Co., Ltd.

Economical commercial cleaner that uses diluted water Machine Cleaner Eco
Yukosha Shito Trading Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Measures against dirt around the machine

Are you looking for a cleaner to remove stubborn dirt stuck around machines such as flatbeds and box making machines? Therefore, we recommend "Machine Cleaner Eco". This machine cleaner Eco powerfully removes stubborn oil and ink stains. This is an environmentally friendly and safe cleaner that does not fall under the PRTR Act or Fire Service Act hazardous materials.


・Easy: Powerfully removes stubborn oil stains around machines, floors, walls, etc. in factories without removing painted surfaces. -Environmentally friendly: non-flammable and non-ignitable. In addition, it does not fall under the PRTR Law, Organic Solvent Poisoning Prevention Regulations, Fire Service Act, Hazardous Substances, Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law, and Specified Chemical Substances Prevention Regulations.

■How to use

・Depending on the degree of dirt, leave as is or dilute 2 to 5 times with water (hot water). - Spray on dirty areas and wipe off with a cloth. For heavy stains, leaving it on for about 5 minutes is effective. ・Please test aluminum products, tile joints, paints damaged by oil or heat, and fluorine coats in an inconspicuous area before using. ・As this is an alkaline chemical, please wear protective equipment such as rubber gloves and safety goggles.

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    Economical commercial cleaner that uses diluted water Machine Cleaner Eco

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1 Models of Economical commercial cleaner that uses diluted water Machine Cleaner Eco

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Color Capacity
Economical commercial cleaner that uses diluted water Machine Cleaner Eco-Part Number-Machine cleaner eco

Machine cleaner eco

Available upon quote


18L can

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