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Printing & Packaging Print quality control Colorcert Qa-CCN-CCQAP
Printing & Packaging Print quality control Colorcert Qa-X -Light

Printing & Packaging Print quality control Colorcert Qa
X -Light

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About This Product

Verify the color and secure accurate colors COLORCERT quality control software enhances the efficiency of printing machines in job -based / non -job -based workflows. Simplify the reference color selection and management work, and output practical information. Colorcert Qa, which shortens makeup ready work and defends reprinting / defects, improves the efficiency of work.

■ Manage reference colors more efficiently

Colorcert Qa uses color standard from the Pantonelive library. Reduces duplicate reference colors within a narrow ΔE range and defends selection mistakes. In addition, it is compatible with old products such as COLORMASTER and COLORQUALITY, so important data is not lost.

■ Optimization of printing press work

> The best match function of Colorcert Qa is easy to incorporate changes. The best match function displays easy -to -understand graphs and reduces the number of trials and error until the color matching that converges into the target color tolerance.

■ Support quality control of inkilrooms

Use Colorcert Qa in combination with the InkFormulation software to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the interior room. This feature exports digital data to the InkFormulation software as a CXF file. This allows you to monitor color performance using database and chart tools.

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1 Models of Printing & Packaging Print quality control Colorcert Qa

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Available disk regions Color difference Colored space Setting option How to connect Database Display resolution Illuminant / Lighting Conditions Read / export format Internet connection Language used Macintosh Measurement condition memory Support for NetProfiler software Observer Pantonelive support Processor security settings Supported products Windows
Printing & Packaging Print quality control Colorcert Qa-Part Number-CCN-CCQAP


Available upon quote


∆E, ΔEcmc, ΔE94, ΔE00, ΔDensity, ΔDensity, ΔLch, ΔCie WhiteNess, ∆BRIGHTNESS (Tappi452), ΔStrENGTH (SUM), ΔStrENGTH (WSUM), ΔStrENGT h (Xyz Auto), ΔStrength (Xyz Mean K / S), ∆opace, ∆ gloss, ∆mbr, W∆l, W∆ch, ∆ tvi (dot gain)

CIE L*a*b*, cie l*h*(ab), cie l*h*(uv), cie xyz, cie xyy, cie luV

Administrator, printing press

Pantonelive, Colorcert repository

MSSQL, SQL Lite (local database)

1,400 x 900 or more pixels

A, B, C, D50, D55, D65, D75, F2, F7, F11, UL35


Not required (recommended for online services and databases)

Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Czech, German, Finnish, French, Portuguese, Polish, Russia

MacOS 10.15 (Catalina), macOS 11.x, macOS 12.x

Reflectance, M0, M1, M2, M3, Spin, SPEX

512 MB (1,024 MB recommended)




Windows: 1 GHz 32 -bit (2GHz 64 -bit recommended), OSX: 64 -bit only

Software installation and uninstallation require administrator authority.


Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10; 32 or 64 Bit, Windows® 12; 32 or 64 Bit

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Company Overview

X-Light is a manufacturer of measurement and color technology products established in 1957 and headquartered i...

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