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Bokashi kelp (powder), a seaweed-based vitality ingredient essential for producing delicious crops-Bokashi kelp (powder)
Bokashi kelp (powder), a seaweed-based vitality ingredient essential for producing delicious crops-Kawai Fertilizer Co., Ltd.

Bokashi kelp (powder), a seaweed-based vitality ingredient essential for producing delicious crops
Kawai Fertilizer Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Indispensable for producing delicious crops

Lessonia, the raw material for Bokashi kelp, is a member of the kelp family that only grows in the cold waters of the South Pacific. It is a seaweed rich in minerals grown in the nutrient-rich cold currents that flow from Antarctica. Bokashi kelp is made by fermenting and concentrating the nutrients within the cells of Lessonia for two months in a form that is easily absorbed by plants. One bag of Bokashi kelp contains 150 kg of kelp. Based on polysaccharides such as alginic acid, which are unique to seaweed, it contains a well-balanced amount of trace elements such as various minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, which are nutritional sources in the sea. Since it is in powder form, it is difficult to shake, but considering that 150 kg of kelp is to be fermented, it is inexpensive and reasonable. Try applying a handful to a planter in your garden. You can see that the soil becomes compact in one month.

■Features and effects

・Alginic acid contained in Bokashi kelp improves the physical properties of soil, has a positive effect on microorganisms, and creates a good environment for crops. ・Improves the air permeability and water retention of the soil, providing an environment where crop roots can grow freely. - Concentrated natural minerals in a well-balanced manner. Special minerals contained in seaweed help the growth of beneficial microorganisms. - Adjusts the mineral balance of the soil and prevents and reduces problems such as continuous cropping problems. ・Physiologically active substances such as auxin and cytokinin contained in Bokashi kelp promote plant growth. Many studies have been published regarding the effectiveness of these physiologically active substances contained in seaweed. ・Since a dilute hydrochloric acid treatment process has been added, it does not comply with organic JAS. component

■Amino acids

Arginine, lysine, glutamic acid, valine, methionine, isoleucine, glycine, cystine, proline, ornithine, tyrosine, threonine, phenylalanine, leucine, histidine, tryptophan, aspartic acid, serine, alanine


Iodine, copper, germanium, manganese, iron, aluminum, zinc, sodium, molybdenum, phosphorus, boron, magnesium, cobalt, nickel, chromium, sulfur, bromine, vanadium, silica, potassium, silver, nitrogen, chlorine


Provitamins, pantothenes, vitamin B1, vitamin D, niacin, vitamin B2, vitamin E, vitamin K, choline

■Amount of fertilizer applied Standard amount of fertilizer (per 10a)

General crops, paddy rice, tea, fruit trees, gardening 10-20 bags

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    Bokashi kelp (powder), a seaweed-based vitality ingredient essential for producing delicious crops

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1 Models of Bokashi kelp (powder), a seaweed-based vitality ingredient essential for producing delicious crops

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Bokashi kelp (powder), a seaweed-based vitality ingredient essential for producing delicious crops-Part Number-Bokashi kelp (powder)

Bokashi kelp (powder)

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Inochio Plant Care Co., Ltd.

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