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Impressive visuals with 2D/3D drawings, analysis, animations, and videos FARO® Zone 3D Software-FARO Zone 3D Pro
Impressive visuals with 2D/3D drawings, analysis, animations, and videos FARO® Zone 3D Software-FARO Technologies, Inc

Impressive visuals with 2D/3D drawings, analysis, animations, and videos FARO® Zone 3D Software
FARO Technologies, Inc

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About This Product

Features of FARO Zone 3D Pro

■Point cloud function

Zone 3D Pro and Zone 3D Expert can import point cloud data from laser scanners in .pts, as well as from drones in E57 format, directly from FARO SCENE projects, and in .las file formats.

■Compatibility independent of data

Open diagrams from CAD zones, ARAS, and other standard CAD formats. Bring in manual measurements, drone photos, satellite maps, data from total stations, data from laser scanners, even if they are made by different manufacturers.

■Rearview mirror and backup camera

You can place, position, and adjust a vehicle's side mirrors (left and right) and rearview mirror (center) to simulate real mirrors in zone animations and collision prediction. The Zone mirror shows everything in the scene, including point cloud data.

■Billboard annotation tool

Billboard tools allow you to quickly annotate and identify key elements in 3D drawings and point clouds. Selected objects, text, symbols, and models are instantly displayed on a column that always points toward the camera and is always visible from any perspective.

■ Directly import traditional point clouds without loss of points

Import traditional point cloud data (e57, las, pts) and convert it to lsproj/SCENE point cloud type. Previously, traditional point clouds could only import up to 150 million points and did not support gap filling, lighting, or other advanced point cloud settings. lsproj file, there is no loss of points when directly imported from a traditional source file, and all of Zone's point cloud display features are available.

■Generate report list from project data

One click will generate a list of all reports available for the current project.

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    Impressive visuals with 2D/3D drawings, analysis, animations, and videos FARO® Zone 3D Software

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1 Models of Impressive visuals with 2D/3D drawings, analysis, animations, and videos FARO® Zone 3D Software

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Processor Hard drive Graphics card Operating system VR requirements RAM
Impressive visuals with 2D/3D drawings, analysis, animations, and videos FARO® Zone 3D Software-Part Number-FARO Zone 3D Pro

FARO Zone 3D Pro

Available upon quote

Intel i7 or equivalent

12GB free space

GeForce GTX 1060 or higher, 8GB+ video RAM for tiling larger images

Microsoft Windows 10/11 (64 bit)

HTC Vive plus port required by Oculus Rift or headset


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FARO Technologies, Inc, founded in Lake Mary, FL in 1981 is a manufacturer of 3D measurement, imaging and real...

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