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Beauty and activity made from final products Chelate cleary
Noahtec Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Become stronger, become more beautiful

■We and fulvic acid

Since our founding, we have been researching human health, beauty and vitality. Over the past 10 years, we have been researching natural polymers and succeeded in extracting high-quality chelate clear by combining original biotechnology. Get health, beauty and vitality with our Chelate Cleary.

■Ingredients for Chelate Cleary

It is a rare organic acid that is extracted from peat (only about 0.2%) of organic matter such as plants and algae that existed on earth more than 100 million years ago, before it repeatedly becomes humus and turns into coal and oil. That's it. The history of research on fulvic acid in Japan is new and little information is available, but recently it has been attracting attention for its ability to block reactions in the body that can cause allergic reactions and to slow the progression of diseases. is.

■Activated at the cellular level

Fulvic acid is an indispensable ingredient with a long history in the field of Ayurvedic medicine, having been studied for over 100 years in Europe and India.

■Characteristics that make your body happy

A characteristic of fulvic acid is its chelating action. It finely ionizes minerals and increases the absorption rate into the body to a high value of 97%. The chelation effect excretes things that are harmful to the body and takes in things that are necessary, which is a great power for modern people who are deficient in minerals. Fulvic acid is a final decomposition product, so it reaches the intestines without being broken down by the power of stomach acid, and strongly supports the formation of bacterial flora. In addition, it has a pH buffering effect that adjusts the balance between acidity and alkalinity in the body, so it corrects the pH imbalance that changes rapidly between acidity and alkalinity, and relieves stress on the body and mind.

■High antioxidant anti-inflammatory effect

There are many diseases that originate from oxidative stress in cells, and Chelate Cleary's high antioxidant effects are said to suppress and alleviate various oxidative stresses.

■Beautiful work for the body

・Chelating action ・Reduces skin inflammation ・Activation of growth hormone ・Increase the absorption rate of minerals ・Suppression of body odor and scalp odor ・Suppression of anaerobic bacteria ・Antioxidant effect ・Cell activation, etc. ・Anti-inflammatory effect ・Antioxidant effect Chelate Cleary is not a pharmaceutical product. If it does not suit your body, please stop using it. It is recognized as a food additive by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, so it is not harmful if it enters your mouth. (Food safety standard number 0601001)

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    Beauty and activity made from final products Chelate cleary

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3 Models of Beauty and activity made from final products Chelate cleary

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