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Constant current mode range
Constant current mode resolution
Constant current mode setting accuracy
Constant impedance mode range
Constant impedance mode resolution
Constant power mode range
Constant power mode resolution
Constant power mode setting accuracy
Constant resistance mode range
Constant resistance mode resolution
Constant resistance mode setting accuracy
Constant voltage mode range
Constant voltage mode resolution
Constant voltage mode setting accuracy
Current range
Current resolution
Current setting accuracy
Dynamic mode - constant current T1 & T2
Dynamic mode - constant current minimum operating voltage
Dynamic mode - constant current minimum rise time
Dynamic mode - constant current setting accuracy
Dynamic mode - constant current slew rate
Dynamic mode-constant current resolution
Electric power
Minimum operating voltage (DC)
Program mode Number of sequences
Program mode setting time
Part Number
63004-150-60 Current 0~2AHandling Company
Sanyu Electronics Industry Co., Ltd.Categories
Image | Price (excluding tax) | Capacity | Constant current mode range | Constant current mode resolution | Constant current mode setting accuracy | Constant impedance mode range | Constant impedance mode resolution | Constant power mode range | Constant power mode resolution | Constant power mode setting accuracy | Constant resistance mode range | Constant resistance mode resolution | Constant resistance mode setting accuracy | Constant voltage mode range | Constant voltage mode resolution | Constant voltage mode setting accuracy | Current | Current range | Current resolution | Current setting accuracy | Dynamic mode - constant current T1 & T2 | Dynamic mode - constant current minimum operating voltage | Dynamic mode - constant current minimum rise time | Dynamic mode - constant current setting accuracy | Dynamic mode - constant current slew rate | Dynamic mode-constant current resolution | Electric power | Minimum operating voltage (DC) | Program mode Number of sequences | Program mode setting time | Voltage |
![]() |
Available upon quote | 350W | 0~2A | 0.1mA | ± (0.05%+0.05%F.S.) | CL:30µF-50,000µF RL:The same with CR Range LS:0.1μH-20μH RS:30mΩ-20Ω | CL:1µF RL:18-bit Ls:0.1µH Rs:1mΩ | 0~7W | 3.5mW | ± (0.1%+0.1% F.S.) | 0.05Ω-250Ω (16V/350W) 18Ω-1,250Ω (80V/350W) 64Ω-2,500Ω (150V/350W) | 1mA/Vsense | Vin/Rset (0.2%) +0.2% Irange F.S. | 0~16V | 1mV | ± (0.025%+0.025%F.S.) | 0~2A | 0~2A | 0.1mA | ±0.1% | 0.05ms~99.999ms/100ms-99,999ms | 3V | 20µs (Typical) | 1µs/1ms+100ppm ± (5%±10µs) | 0.1mA/µs~0.1A/µs | 1µs/1ms 0.1mA/µs | 0~90W | 0.6V@2A | 100/program | 1ms~60s (Resolution: 1ms) | 0~150V |
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Response Rate
Response Time