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Available bent radius
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Water -resistant characteristics test method
Part Number
Pureaccess®-PBHandling Company
Kita Nippon Electric Wire Co., Ltd.Categories
Image | Price (excluding tax) | Available bent radius | Cable cut -off wavelength | Feature | Loss of transmission | Mode field diameter | Optical fiber symbol | Water -resistant characteristics test method |
Available upon quote | 15mm | 1,260Nm or less | Wide bandwidth low loss bend characteristics enhancement (R15) type | 0.4db/km or less (λ = 1,310nm) 0.35db/km or less (λ = 1,383nm) 0.3db/km or less (λ = 1,550Nm) | 8.6 ± 0.4 μm (λ = 1,310nm) | Sm (Papb) | Loss fluctuation 0.01db/km or less |
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