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Xiamen TOB New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd
Strem Chemicals, Inc
Optima Chemical Group LLC
Nanmat Technology Co., Ltd
Japan Advanced Chemicals Ltd.
EpiValence Limited
Daubert Chemical Co., Inc.

9 Precursor Manufacturers in 2025

This section provides an overview for precursors as well as their applications and principles. Also, please take a look at the list of 9 precursor manufacturers and their company rankings. Here are the top-ranked precursor companies as of February, 2025: 1.Optima Chemical Group LLC, 2.Strem Chemicals, Inc, 3.Japan Advanced Chemicals Ltd..

Table of Contents

List of 9 Precursor Manufacturers

*Including some distributors, etc.

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  • United States of America
  • Japan
  • Taiwan
  • United Kingdom
    • Daubert Chemical Co., Inc.
      • United States of America Address: 4700 S. Central Avenue Chicago, Illinois, United States of America

      Manufacturer Overview

      Daubert Chemical Co., Inc., established in 1935, located in Chicago, Illinois, and is a manufacturer specializing in products related to corrosion prevention, adhesives, sound dampening, and specialty coatings. The company specializes in several product lines related to corrosion prevention, adhesives, sound dampening, and specialty coatings. It has expertise in developing solutions within these categories, enhancing manufacturing processes and product performance for various industries including transportation, automotive, marine, aerospace, general industrial, furniture, and woodworking. It holds ISO 9001:2015 Certification, emblematic of its quality.

    • DuPont.
      • United States of America Address: 974 Centre Rd, Wilmington, Delaware, United States of America

      Manufacturer Overview

      DuPont de Nemours, Inc., commonly shortened to DuPont, is an American multinational chemical manufacturer headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, and established in 1802. The company offers adhesives and coatings for electronic components, commercial inkjet inks for printing solutions, surfacing materials and insulating foam sealants for building constructions, chromatography resins for protein purification, as well as lubricants and fluids for various electronic component applications. They also provide specialty enzymes and proteins for food production, thermal management materials, and microbial control products for industrial hygiene. DuPont serves various industries, including automotive, building and construction, energy, packaging and printing, as well as water management.

    • Entegris
      • United States of America Address: 129 Concord Road, Billerica, Massachusetts, United States of America

      Manufacturer Overview

      Entegris Inc., founded in 1966 and headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, is a supplier of advanced materials and process solutions for the life sciences, semiconductor, and other tech industries. Some of its products and solutions include specialty chemicals, gas delivery systems, and filters used by logic, memory, and semiconductor equipment manufacturers. Over 65% of its factories are ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified, while its stock is traded on NASDAQ under ENTG. The ISO 9001-certified company has 4,400 active patents and offers several services, including analytical, field support, and refurbishment services.

    • Japan Advanced Chemicals Ltd.
      • Japan Address: 3007-4, Kamiechi, Atsugi-Shi, Kanagawa, Japan

      Manufacturer Overview

      Japan Advanced Chemicals Ltd, established on March 4, 2004, and based in Atsugi-Shi, Kanagawa, Japan, is a manufacturer and supplier of CVD/ALD precursors. The company's product range includes CVD/ALD precursors for semiconductor manufacturing such as Si, Al, Ta, CVD/ALD precursors for compound semiconductors like Ga, In, Sb, CVD, and Sol-Gel products for coating including SiC, TiO2, and stainless steel canisters for chemical precursors. These products are primarily utilized in the semiconductor and coating industries. The company also provides services such as film deposition, stainless steel canister production, and small-size stainless steel canister manufacturing.

    • Strem Chemicals, Inc

      Manufacturer Overview

      Strem Chemicals, Inc, founded in 1964, is an American manufacturer and supplier of high-purity specialty chemicals and materials, based in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Acquired by Ascensus Specialties, another American chemical company in 2021, Strem offers a catalog of over 6,000 specialty products under the metal, inorganic, organometallic, and nanomaterial categories. Some of their diverse product offerings include metal catalysts for organic synthesis, metal carbonyls, metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and atomic layer deposition (ALD) precursors. Strem serves global customers, particularly academic, governmental, and industrial research and development laboratories. Their products find applications in various industries, including microelectronics, chemicals, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

    • Optima Chemical Group LLC

      Company Overview

      Optima Chemical Group LLC has been a manufacturer and distributor of chemicals since 1991, headquartered in Georgia, USA. One of the company's key strengths is its custom chemical synthesis, where the company and the customer work closely to develop and manufacture chemicals tailored to specific requirements. This custom synthesis expertise allows the company to provide unique application solutions. The company offers a range of specialty chemicals and intermediates. These chemicals include reagents, catalysts, and other compounds used in research, manufacturing, and industrial processes. The company's products find applications in multiple industries, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and electronics.

    • Xiamen TOB New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd

      Distributor Overview

      Xiamen TOB New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd, a company founded in 2012, based in Xiamen, China, is a supplier of battery equipment and materials. The company offers various products and services such as battery machines, battery materials, and laboratory equipment. The company has a strong R&D team and is loyal to the development of new battery technologies. It have developed a dry electrode technology that uses no solvents, which can reduce the environmental impact of battery production. It also developing new battery materials and technologies for next-generation batteries, such as sodium-ion batteries and solid-state batteries.

Precursor Manufacturer Ranking

*Including some distributors, etc.

Derivation Method

The ranking is calculated based on the click share within the precursor page as of February 2025. Click share is defined as the total number of clicks for all companies during the period divided by the number of clicks for each company.

Number of Employees

  1. Japan Advanced Chemicals Ltd.: 14

Newly Established Company

  1. Xiamen TOB New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd: 2012 (13 years ago)
  2. Japan Advanced Chemicals Ltd.: 2004 (21 years ago)
  3. Nanmat Technology Co., Ltd: 1997 (28 years ago)

Company with a History

  1. Daubert Chemical Co., Inc.: 1935 (90 years ago)
  2. Strem Chemicals, Inc: 1964 (61 years ago)
  3. Optima Chemical Group LLC: 1991 (34 years ago)

Precursor Manufacturers in United States

*Including some distributors, etc.

Global Distribution of Precursor Manufacturers by Country

*Including some distributors, etc.

Country Number of Companies Share (%)
United States of America United States of America 3 50.0%
Japan Japan 1 16.7%
United Kingdom United Kingdom 1 16.7%
Taiwan Taiwan 1 16.7%

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