Anton Paar GmbH's Gas Flow Measurement Systems

Anton Paar GmbH

19 products found

Anton Paar GmbH

Easy to analyze pulse -hypedding and temperature program type Automatic flow chemical adsorption analyzer Chembet Pulsar

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Last viewed: 50 minutes ago


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■ Automatic flow chemical adsorption/reaction analyzer CHEMBET PULSAR is a small desktop type catalytic characteristic evaluation unit that achieve...

Anton Paar GmbH

Gas adsorption analyzer QUADRASORB EVO with flexibility, accuracy and speed

200+ people viewing

Last viewed: 50 minutes ago


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■ Gas adsorption analysis device with flexibility, accuracy, and speed ・ Quadrasorb EVO is a high -performance surface area and pole diameter anal...

Anton Paar GmbH

Gas adsorption measurement device high vacuum physics/chemical adsorbent analysis device Autosorb IQ

410+ people viewing

Last viewed: 47 minutes ago


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■ Sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility liquid surface control In the case of a physical adsorption analysis device that uses an evaporated re...

5 models listed

Autosorb IQ C-AG-Gas adsorption measurement device high vacuum physics/chemical adsorbent analysis device Autosorb IQ
Autosorb IQ C-MP-Gas adsorption measurement device high vacuum physics/chemical adsorbent analysis device Autosorb IQ
Autosorb IQ C-XR-Gas adsorption measurement device high vacuum physics/chemical adsorbent analysis device Autosorb IQ
Autosorb IQ MP-Gas adsorption measurement device high vacuum physics/chemical adsorbent analysis device Autosorb IQ
Autosorb IQ XR-Gas adsorption measurement device high vacuum physics/chemical adsorbent analysis device Autosorb IQ

Anton Paar GmbH

Robust manifold design high -pressure gas adsorption device ISORB

250+ people viewing

Last viewed: 48 minutes ago


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■ Features ・ ISORB HP Gas Accress device is ideal for evaluating materials in gas storage, gas separation, or emission control applications. ・ Hi...

4 models listed

HP1 100-Robust manifold design high -pressure gas adsorption device ISORB
HP1 200-Robust manifold design high -pressure gas adsorption device ISORB
HP2 100-Robust manifold design high -pressure gas adsorption device ISORB
HP2 200-Robust manifold design high -pressure gas adsorption device ISORB

Anton Paar GmbH

Measurement surface area/pole analysis device NOVA series that combines both speed and accuracy

280+ people viewing

Last viewed: 44 minutes ago


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The NOVA series is designed to provide simple operation and sample processing speed -speedy speed accuracy of sample in all analysis processes. It ...

4 models listed

NOVA 600-Measurement surface area/pole analysis device NOVA series that combines both speed and accuracy
NOVA 600 Bet-Measurement surface area/pole analysis device NOVA series that combines both speed and accuracy
NOVA 800-Measurement surface area/pole analysis device NOVA series that combines both speed and accuracy
NOVA 800 Bet-Measurement surface area/pole analysis device NOVA series that combines both speed and accuracy

Anton Paar GmbH

Wide chemical compatibility steam adsorption / gas adsorption analysis device VSTAR

260+ people viewing

Last viewed: 48 minutes ago


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VSTAR can analyze not only basic water vapor adsorption but also steam and gas adsorption under various analytical conditions. Based on high -speed...

4 models listed

VSTAR 2 station-Wide chemical compatibility steam adsorption / gas adsorption analysis device VSTAR
VSTAR 2 Station Turbo-Wide chemical compatibility steam adsorption / gas adsorption analysis device VSTAR
VSTAR 4 Station-Wide chemical compatibility steam adsorption / gas adsorption analysis device VSTAR
VSTAR 4 Station Turbo-Wide chemical compatibility steam adsorption / gas adsorption analysis device VSTAR

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