Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
Country | Japan |
Founded | 1990 |
Number of Employees | 4 |
Website | Digital Data Management Co., Ltd. Website |
48 registered products of Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
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Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Searches databases stored in relational database (Sybase) format. It has the same search function as PCPDFWIN, PDF2pl...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Unknown pattern search system (X-Search is standard equipment) You can search the ICDD PDF database using the unknown substanc...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Setting peak data/search parameters ・Loading peak files: text file (d value or θ and intensity value), others (on request) ・...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Summary Match! is a phase analysis software that uses powder diffraction data. To identify the phases present, the diffraction...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Computer Aided Surface Analysis for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (CasaXPS) is software for research scientists wh...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Spectral Data Processor was developed for processing and printing spectral data. It can transfer data in all ASCII an...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・A database of approximately 873,000 items compiled by Cornell University. You can use Wiley's 2023 as the database ...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Library ・394,000 EI mass spectra (347,000 compounds) ・Retention index of 153,000 compounds ・1,300,000 MS/MS spectra of 186,...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Data collection Dr. Peter Rosner (Regional Department of Criminal Investigation Kiel, Germany) ■Number of data items Approxim...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Recording format Agilent Chemstation; NIST MSSEARCH; Finnigan GCQ, SSQ, TSQ, ICIS, INCOS,Iontrap, ITS40, Magnum; INCOS; PE Tur...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Function ・Manual or automatic fragmentation ・Comparison of fragmentation predicted from measured mass spectra and structural...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・TIC, SIM peak area calculation ・Arbitrary baseline correction ・SIM stack display (up to 5 SIMs displayed simultan...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Assign polymer repeat units, alpha/omega end groups, and adduct series to the imported mass spectrum. ・Homopolymer a...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features A collection of over 18,000 entries for the most common compounds found in the Aldrich chemical catalog. These data w...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Data processing ・ATR/Advanced ATR ・KK conversion ・Raman shift ・X shift ・X Unit conversion ・Y Unit conversion ・Zap ・Con...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Used for data processing of IR and NIR spectra in common file formats such as Thermo Galactic SPC (only a single file...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
Standard features ■General data processing routines ・Smoothing, difference spectrum, operations on spectra, baseline correctio...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features FDM can provide databases in the data processing formats of various analytical instruments such as Spectral ID, J-Cam...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Converts TIFF image files and bitmap images imported with a scanner into spectral data. The spectral data that only r...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features The gel images captured using a scanner are analyzed and converted into numerical data. procedure ■Step1 Capture the...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Spectra Heap contains approximately 100,000 spectral information for most chemical elements. It is also a guide to th...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features A graphical interface for data calibration, model creation and interpretation of results, and a prediction tool for u...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
Design-Expert has powerful statistical tools that allow you to optimize your product or process. ■Two-level factor screening de...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Sequence 4-D consists of four modules: sequence analysis, cloning, printing, and database management. ■Module A Sequ...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・Drawing of chemical structural formula ・Drawing of reaction equation - Creation of IUPAC name from structural form...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Chemistry 4-D Draw understands IUPAC nomenclature (see "Supported IUPAC Rules" below) and can convert IUPAC compound ...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Simultaneously rotates the 3D representation of lattice space and reciprocal lattice space, as well as stereo project...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Summary ・Create crystals from lattice constants and space group numbers ・Measurement of interatomic distances and angles ・C...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features Pearson's Crystal Data is a new crystal database published by ASM International. Contains crystal structures of a wid...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Product overview This software calculates chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium based on a database of enthalpy (H), ent...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features A database of spectral and chemical data for 111 pure polymers. Spectra can be transferred directly to your current d...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Search items Element, component system, comment text, PED Volume, Figure Number, publication year, Authors ■Search conditions...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Applications ・Design of new polymers ・Optimization of polymer cost/physical properties ・Identification of polymer structure...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features The only software product that links trade names of 65,000 compounds to their chemical composition and manufacturer. ...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Pattern matching of unknown objects This is a database of 49 types of thermophysical property values (actually measured valu...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Product overview Reference Manager is database creation software for collecting, organizing, and utilizing bibliographic infor...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■RTECS Experimental data values and data sources regarding irritation, acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, mutagenicity, carcin...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features For scientists involved in pharmacokinetic studies who want to produce high-quality analysis and reporting results at...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・Drawing of 3-D structure ・Optimize the structure with MM2, MOLY, MOPAC ・Find the global minima using conformation...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・Tool to slice/cut out parts of 3D images in three dimensions ・Visualization - You can slice the perspective image ...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features BUDGET is a simulation software that is completely different from traditional financial accounting systems that predi...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Product overview @RISK uses spreadsheets to simulate uncertain factors, making it possible to analyze risks that serve as guid...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Role of Monte Carlo simulation In recent years, interest in environmental risks has increased due to the enactment of PRTR leg...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features PrecisionTree is a Microsoft Excel add-in software that is a tool for performing decision analysis on Excel spreadshe...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・Operations are performed in Excel ・Easy to use, can be created in a short time ・There are many conditions to cons...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・Uses unique optimization algorithm ・Easy operation ・Create in a short time ・Rich optimization functions ・Automa...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■What is T-WRITER? T-WRITER is a simple tool that mainly works with the COBOL language (other languages are also possible) to...
Digital Data Management Co., Ltd.
■Features ・Software that converts NEC's simple language "SMART" into high-level language "COBOL" ・Read SMART parameters, "aut...