
GMT Global Inc.

  • Taiwan
  • Manufacturer
GMT Global Inc. Website
GMT Global Inc.


GMT Global Inc. was founded in Taiwan in 1994. GMT initially started as a manufacturer and seller of precision mold components. In 2008, GMT expanded to optimize manufacturing procedures and improve machining technologies, so they developed automation components. The products offered by GMT are Ball Screws and Supports, Feeding Screws, Couplings, Slide Tables, Cross Roller Bearings, Automation, and Precision/Alignment Stages, Optical and Linear Motion Components, Motors, and Drives. These products are used in semiconductors and in the smartphone industry. GMT Global is CE and ISO 9001-2015 Certified.


Country Taiwan
Address No. 357, Sec.1, Yaofeng Rd., Puxin Township, Changhua County, Taiwan
Company Type Manufacturer
Website GMT Global Inc. Website


7 GMT Global Inc.'s products are listed.


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