Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
Country | Japan |
Founded | 1973 |
Number of Employees | 7 |
Website | Shoei Electric Co., Ltd. Website |
32 registered products of Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
Filter products
Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
■Features A general-purpose lead type resistor that can be inserted automatically. Various forms are also possible. There is al...
Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
■Features This is a high-precision metal film resistor that uses a highly thermally conductive base material and has excellent ...
Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
■Features RLF (metal oxide film) resistors are thermally and pulse-stable, reliable power-type resistors. In addition, for high...
Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
■Features RMG (high-meg metal glaze) resistors are made of a high-purity porcelain base made of a uniformly formed metal glaze ...
Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
■Features - Zero resistance with the same shape. ・Automatic insertion is possible. - European RoHS compliant product. ・Exteri...
Shoei Electric Co., Ltd.
■Features ・A taped jumper wire that can be automatically inserted. - European RoHS compliant product. ・We also manufacture M ...